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Fog of War sets in...



  • India Raises the Stakes
    Dec 30th 2001.
  • Anarchy if vacuum not filled
    Nov 20th 2001.
  • The True Reason behind Sep 11 Attacks
    Nov 14th 2001.
  • Holding onto a Shaky Coalition
    Oct 8th 2001.
  • Operation Infinite Freedom
    Oct 1st 2001.
  • Benazir, on the Taliban
    Sept 23rd 2001.
  • Pakistan in Dilemma
    Sept 15th 2001.
  • Road to Independence -part II
    Aug 18th 2001.
  • Road to Independence -part I
    Aug 13th 2001.
  • of Rains and Rawalpindi
    Aug 5th 2001.
  • Al-Khalid Battle Tank
    July 22nd 2001.
  • Fall at Agra
    July 17th 2001.
  • A Monument of Hope
    July 14th 2001.


    Pakistan and India, the world's latest Nuclear Powers, have the ability to devastate the entire region, which may very well be the beginning of the 3rd WW, or even the beginning of the end...

    Wagah Border, Punjab.

    Pakistan Rangers and Indian Border Security guards slam the doors to their countries with utmost precision in a public display of mutual contempt for the last time of year 2001. India closed all land and air links with Pakistan starting New year. It seems the newyear has brought southasia to the brink of extermination instead of hopes and aspirations for a better future.

    The stage is set and the players are ready. Pakistan and India are under going Mass Mobilization depicting their readiness to strike within a days notice or even before that. Military Analysts believe the India could attack by 7th of January although Pakistan may attack India pre-emminently over the weekend. Only time will tell what really goes on in the coming week.



    India has been preparing for war even before December 13th attack on its parliment since Eastern Command had ordered 2 infantry brigades to move from Assam and Nagaland to the northwest of the country. This move was justified by the military as 'Essential step in securing India's western border and to Stop Taliban and Al-Qaeda overflow into its territory'.

    After 13-12 however, India has openly been moving troops and armour towards the border with Pakistan. Some Intelligence reports indicate that India will have all its forces ready to launch an attack as early as this week, with Thursday or Friday as possible dates.
    Indians have deployed landmines along border with Punjab and Armour brigades in Rajisthan.

    India is getting its short-range Prithvi ballistic missiles ready for use. The missiles are within range of the Pakistani capital, Islamabad along with major cities in Punjab. The Prithvi has a range of about 155 miles, and the Indians are estimated to have some 75 Prithvis in their arsenal.
    India also has over 25 medium-range Agni missiles, which however are still in experimanetal stages according to some sources and not ready for use.
    Indians are not equipped with mobile missile launchers and thus lack the ability to strike areas out of reach of their missile silos located in Utter Pardesh and Rajisthan.

    U.S. intelligence officials believe India has between 60-90 nuclear weapons that can be delivered by missiles or aircraft.

    Indian Airforce has 'Air-Superiority' over Pakistan with its fleet of over 750 combat aircraft. Its nuclear-capable aircraft include Russian-made bombers, including 10 Tu-142 Bears and four Tu-22M Backfires, as well as several hundred MiG-27, MiG-29 and Su-30 fighter-bombers.

    India has about 3500 tanks which are no match, according to some military analysts, to the much technically advanced Pakistani fleet.
    Indians however have russian made longe-range mortar guns which Pakistan's mostly short-range mortars cannot counter.

    India owns a grand Naval Fleet as compared to Pakistan's modest fleet of few frigates and submarines. Indian destroyers and Missile ships have the upper edge. India also owns an Aircraft Carrier which however is badly kept and useless in war.


    Although Pakistan has tried to open a diplomatic front to avert war but has moved towards Mobilization phase to prevent any possible Indian attack which may now be emminent.

    US Intelligence sources say Pakistan is moving the equivalent of two armored brigades — several thousand troops and hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles — near the northern part of its border with India.
    Pakistan has also channeled water from the BRB Canal into the First Defence Canal to protect Lahore City from Indian attack.

    Pakistan's missile force is believed to be composed of some 50 Shaheen missiles, which have a range of about 186 miles, enough to hit the Indian capital of New Delhi. Its medium-range Ghauri missiles have a range of about 800 miles, enough to hit most parts of India.
    Pakistan has the advantage of mobile missile launchers and thus the ability to strike areas deep inside Indian Territory.

    Pakistan is believed to have between 30-50 nuclear weapons that can be delivered by missiles or aircraft.
    U.S. intelligence agencies have obtained reconnaissance photographs from one Pakistani missile base that show storage-shed doors open in preparation for the movement of missiles. One of the photographs shows a line of 47 rail cars on a track near the base in preparation for the movement of missiles and their warheads.

    Although Pakistan has only about 330 combat aircraft, it has American F16s and Cobra Helicoptors, something Russian made aircraft in the Indian fleet cannot match.

    Pakistan has about 2500 tanks which have largely been upgraded recently with Chinese and Ukrainian assistence. The Al-Khalid Battle tank has no match among rusting Indian armoury.
    This is one area where Pakistan has an upper edge on the battle field.

    Pakistan's small Navy is no match for the grand Indian fleet but then again we dont share coast line as huge as India. Surely when it comes to defending a smaller area, Frigates and Missile Boats do come in handy.


    Heavy shelling along the line-of-control in Kashmir continued till this report was filed..

    As billions of southasians hold their breaths, we anxiously await an end to this conflict, and pray that future brings peace and harmony to this volatile region...Editor hPK.  

    Filed on January 6th 2002.


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