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  Wana Operation and Major Non-Nato Ally status.

The US announced MNNA status for Pakistan in acknowledgment of its part in the 'War-against-Terrorism'. Pakistan has been seeking military assistance from the US for quite a long time but the question is how far will Pakistan go in this game? This relationship might be mutually benificial for the two countries for now but what after US objectives in Afghanistan are met? Or more importantly, will they ever manage to do it?! The recent 'Zawahiri-hoax' explains it all...


On March 20th, Pakistan Military launched an enormous campaign against so-called terrorist elements in areas around Wana, in the South Waziristan Agency (SWA). Corps Commander Peshawar himself was in incharge under direct supervision of the President. He later on, in an interview with CNN speculated in view of fierce resistance being put up by the insurgents, that a high value target (HVT) might have been surrounded by the military. This made headlines the world over within minutes and Osama's deputy Al-Zawahiri was suspected to have been cornered. Colin Powel on his visit to Pakistan announced the MNNA status.
Pakistan military however, later on denounced Zawahiri's presence in the region. The 'Wana Operation' is still underway with hundreds dead on both sides and the military claims to have arrested over 150 'foreign terrorists'.

What did we get from all of this...?

First of all, people who think President Musharraf played a wildcard while speculating on international media could not be more misled. This was all very much fabricated and conducted to perfection!
Pakistan started the Wana Operation with the regional para-military while at the same time mobilizing troops from Peshawar and Kohat Garrisons. By the time the troops reached SWA (Wana), the militants were of the view that they had subdued the Pakistani offensive and were in no hurry to flee. Meanwhile, Pakistan Military with all its air-support effectively surrounded and sealed the militant hideouts. This created panic and thus the fierce fighting. Strategicly, this operation itself speaks of Pakistan Military's compitence and professionalism.

On the political front, the government was facing tough criticism from the religious right (MMA), as expected. Some Ulema even issued 'fatwas' against this operation but by and far they were all silenced by Colin Powel's announcment of awarding Pakistan the MNNA badge. Moreover, India made a point of concern at this development, just as planned though, that managed to fairly calm down sentiments in the NWFP.(As mullahs still think if India objects, it must be good for us!).

Eventually, everyone thinks they got out the most of it. The Military thinks Musharraf made a landmark achievement for them. The people think its great Pakistan stands first in War-against-Terrorism and just won the gold medal. Mullahs are more or less satisfied as India seems to be complaining. The US thinks it will bag in Osama and Gang even without getting its soldiers killed. Also that once it has lured Pakistan into a military relationship, it can keep check on its nuclear ambitions. India is glad that Pakistan is finally clearing out the militant training camps. Indians also think once the US manages to implement the MNNA, there will be thousands of Marines stationed at US Bases in Pakistan crubbing all kinds of threats on its western borders including nuclear ones.

So if everyone has won the battle.. whose lost it then?
Its the people of SWA, infact the whole of Waziristan and Tribal Agencies who have lost it.. lost it all, yet again.

During the Afghan Jehad in 1980s, Pakistan was then again the front line state in West's War-against-Communism and Wana (SWA) was the staging ground for this Holy war.

Dr. Aiman Al-Zawahiri, founder of Egypt's Islamic Jehad was called-in for service by the United States once again. (The US used his Islamic Jehad to assasinate Anwar Sadat and later put on Egyptian Presidency its own man- Hosni Mubarak). He was taken out of egyptian jail and sent to Waziristan to organise and lead Islamic Jehad against the Communist forces in Afghanistan, with assistence from CIA and ISI.

The network of trenches, tunnels and mud-forts in Waziristan were all built back then for staging the Jehad. They were again put to use by the ISI for staging the Taliban Revolution in 1990s. And now they were being used by whatever is left of Taliban and Al-Qaeda untill Pakistan Military operation started in SWA.

This whole rather disappointing scenario paints a gloomy picture for the future. As long as the tribals are not brought into the mainstream politics and given basic health and civic facilities, these agencies will keep on attracting prospective militants who wish to utilise the infrastructure and privacy. The government, once it has finished with the operation should permanently station Military in these regions and provide them with their basic civic needs. Only then can we get rid this 'root cause' of terrorism.

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.:: VERDICT ::.

There is no doubt that Pakistan at this stage in time needs foreign assistance particularly from the US, but General Pervez Musharraf will need to balance his foreign ambitions with domestic concerns. The tribal belts of FATA will have to be brought into national mainstream if insurgents are to be flushed out for good.



Filed on March 23rd 2004.



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