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MNNA - Do we need it? MZ Haq
United States wants to reward Islamabad for its stake in the
War-on-Terror by the Major Non-NATO Ally status. This would mean
more military co-operation between the two countries resulting
in US military bases sprouting up on our soil. Do we really need
US military presence in the region? Can we afford it?
A Puppet to play MZ Haq
The puppet politics in Pakistan was inevitable when
the Military government took control in 99, and is bound to
continue for a few more years. The political picture in Pakistan
will remain blurred until the time politicians stop looking for
guidance from abroad and start making decisions at ground.
Pak-US honeymoon Rehana Sheikh
With ISAF already winding up operations in Karachi,
American soldiers in Jacobabad are said to be packing up aswell.
Musharraf's backing of War-on-terror has backfired in shape of
overwhelming fundamentalist support in western provinces and
some are already pointing fingers towards the ISI.
MMA to decide future MZ Haq
Is it the end of the line for Musharraf and his view of a
moderate Islamic society?

No matter who they decide to form government with, the Molvis
are in the Assemblies and that too in large numbers. Like it or
not, these clerics with religious degrees from Madrassas will
now hold the reins of power in Islamabad, legislate future laws
and formulate economic and foreign policy. Few lucky ones would
run a Ministry, hopefully not off a cliff though..
Politicians Unleashed: MZ Haq
"hamein mulk sey baher bhi apney awam ka fiqr hai"
Pakistan People's Party Parlimentarians as they are now called
are said to be the largest party in these elections with the
most number of candidates appearing throughout Pakistan. However
with Party chairperson Benazir Bhutto in self-imposed exile, few
believe PPPP has the capacity of securing a majority in the Parliment.
Politicians Unleashed: MZ Haq
Woh jo hum mein tum mein qarar tha...
PML enjoyed extensive power before Oct12 1999.
With their leaders in exile, those who stayed home had
little choices to make but to accept and later support the
Military regime in Islamabad. This acceptance worked in their
favour however making them the King's Party for elections 2002.
Politicians Unleashed: MZ Haq
Justice,Humanity and Self Esteem..Agenda of Resurgence?
Imran Khan maybe a highly skilled cricketer,
trained and educated abroad who became a national hero by
winning the 92 world cup, but when it comes to pakistani
politics, skills and education are not all that count. His
party, Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf failed to win any seat in 97 elections.
There is little reason to believe PTI would do any better this time around..
Politicians Unleashed: MZ Haq
All politicians are natural born allies...
This statement very well holds true as one can easily witness
its enactment during this pre-poll period of horse trading and
political adjustments. New alliances are being formed, old
associations set aside, new parties launched, new friends being made...
all this and more in the dirty world of Pakistani politics.
Has the world changed since 9/11? MZ Haq
A year has passed since the 9/11 terrorists struck at NY,
Washington and Pennsylvania, termed as the worst attack on US
soil since Pearl Harbour... What remains to be seen is wether
the Americans have managed to turn this human tragedy into a
call for peace and justice around the world or just turned it
into another day of national mourning and rememberance.
55 years MZ Haq
August 1947 witnessed the birth of a nation few thought
ever existed as muslims of India had always lived as brothers
with the hindus and sikhs over centuries of rather harmonious co-
existence. The partition however changed it all with the bloody
trans-migration, largest ever in history, the scars of which are
still evident 55 years on...
Bitter Past - Better Future? Rehana Sheikh
In December 1971 we witnessed an integral part of our
country being torn apart by misconception and mistrust that had
built up between the two units... the Bengalis became soverign..
something they thought was unimaginable in the Quaid's liberated land...
NSC -Savior of Democracy? MZ Haq
Sirens roar on the streets of the capital, opressive
policemen push away the onlookers, the traffic comes to a halt
along the 10kms or so of the route taken each day by the most
powerful man in the history of Pakistan. They said the same
thing about Nawaz Sharif thou, there is an end to everything it seems..
Dilemma of the Musharraf Dr Sohail Mahmood
With no signs of diffusing tensions, Indian acts of
massing troops along the border are now being augmented by
missile tests... A massive buildup of Indian military on our
borders and the stringent rhetoric of their leadership have
created a difficult situation for the Musharraf regime.
How best to respond?
Vertical Escalation in Salman Masood
The recent Agni missile test by India, which flew from
the Wheeler Island, off the coast of Orissa, arced over a
history between India and Pakistan that is fraught with
antagonism, burdened by perpetual apprehensions and mistrust and
underlined the skewed relationship that has brought both India
and Pakistan perilously close to an apocalyptic scenario of a nuclear holocaust.
Fog of War sets MZ Haq
Pakistan Rangers and Indian Border Security guards slam
the doors to their countries with utmost precision in a public
display of mutual contempt for the last time of year 2001. India
closed all land and air links with Pakistan starting New year.
It seems the newyear has brought southasia to the brink of
extermination instead of hopes and aspirations for a better future.
India Raises the Rehana Sheikh
5 gunmen storm the Indian Parliment building killing
7 guards and one civilian. The fact that they used an Ambassador
car used by Indian MPs and Security Services and that they were
dressed in military fatigues shows they were well prepared
guerilla fighters posibilly from Kashmir origin.
Afghanistan: Anarchy if vacuum not filled Imtiaz Gul
For observers of the Afghanistan scene, the fall has not
come as a surprise. The US decision to carpet-bomb the militia’s
positions in the north, especially along Mazar-e-Sharif badly
dented the Taliban defences, forcing them to pull out under the
pretext of tactical withdrawal. That withdrawal has now
become a strategic retreat.
The True Reason behind Sep 11 Attacks David Duke
The mass media has told the American people a Big Lie
about the attack on September 11. They have purposely lied about
why it happened so as to cover up the true reasons for the
attack. Not understanding the real reasons why we were attacked
will cost America the loss of more lives, our prosperity and our freedom.
Holding onto a Shaky Coalition MZ Haq
America and its Allies are busy building a grand coalition of
countries from all over the world but will it stand the test of time?
George Bush made it clear from day one that its going to be a
long campaign against terror. In that he forced the rest of the
world into taking America's side in its war by stating, "You are
either with us or with the terrorists". This statement was
enough to win support of almost every nation on the planet..
Infinite Freedom: The Hidden Agenda MZ Haq
Pervez Musharraf vowed to stand by the U.S in its
'War against Terror' naming it a 'do-or-die' situation, whatever
the consequences may be for his already shaking government, in
this highly volatile scenario for a much vulnerable region of
the world. As Pakistan sinks deep into this quagmire, hPK
investigates the options available to Pakistan and the possible
outcome of the Operation Infinite Freedom.
Benazir's View of the Taliban ... hPK Special
Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister of Pakistan,
describes her dealings with the Taliban.
Pakistan in Dilemma over 9/11 Rehana Sheikh
There is no word yet on what Pakistan's response in
concrete terms will be to America's request for help in the
fight against terrorism. A set of requests from Washington has
been finally received by Islamabad, and the corps commanders
spent the whole day on Friday in discussions...9/15/01
Road to Independence -part II MZ Haq
Story of early days of Pakistan.. excerpts from writer's book
Road to Independence -part I MZ Haq
Story of early days of Pakistan.. excerpts from writer's book
of Rains and Rawalpindi Rehana Sheikh
Rawalpindi qualifies for the wettest place in Pakistan
with a yearly rainfall average over 200mm. Each year this twin
of the capitol is treated no less than a step sibling as
residents in Islamabad enjoy warmth of thier homes, while those
in Rawalpindi just a few miles away have to swim across
their streets for daily work.
Al-Khalid: The Battle Tank Rehana Sheikh
The indigenously built Al-Khalid tank rolled out of
big sheds at HIT for the last time and joined the ranks of its
regement as it was formally handed over to 31 Cavalry by the
President himself on Friday, 20th July 2001.
Fall at Agra: Summit Collapses MZ Haq
India blames Pakistan, Pakistan blames India and the
world media blames Kashmir. Whatever the reasons maybe, the Agra
Summit collapsed late Monday as both sides failed to agree on a
joint Resolution mainly on the point of Kashmir.
A Monument of Hope: Agra Summit MZ Haq
The Pakistan-India Summit in Agra,India has attracted
much hype since its the first time in the last 2 years that the
two sides have come this close to actually talking out their
differences. However many analysts fear that this might yet be
another opportunity lost by the two sides in resolving
their outstanding issues


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