Affidavit for John C. Brittain
The following is an affidavit for the pension of Pvt. John C. Brittain, a member of the 81st PA Band. He was from Beaver Meadows, then moved to Hazleton. He is buried in the West Hazleton Cemetery.
General Affidavit
State of Penna., County of Carbon,
In the Matter of John C. Brittain orgl. claim no. 740.465 81st Pa. Vol. Regt. Band
On this 4th day of January, A.D. 1892 personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths Andrew Roth aged 58 years, a resident of Weatherly in the County of Carbon and State of Penna. well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
That he has been intimately acquainted with John C. Brittain they being members of the same organization, the 81st Pa. Vol. Regt. Band. That during the War with the Rebellion on or about the 28th day of March 1862 while encamped near the Rappahannock River in the state of Va. and in the line of duty, the said John C. Brittain received a saber cut in the knee by the hands of officer Lee (most likely 1st Lt. Horace M. Lee, Co. F, 81st PA) This being done accidentally in the act of catching a sheep for forage. The officer aiming the blade at the sheep which he missed and struck the comrade.
These facts I know having been present and in fact ate some of the mutton captured at the time.
Post Office address is Weatherly Carbon Co. Pa. he further declare that he no interest in said case and is not concerned in its prosecution.
Andrew Roth