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Name Spell Power
Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4
Dark Flare 1 Dark Flare 2 Dark Flare 3 Dark Flare 4
Poison Blind Mute Paralyze
HP Drain 1 MP Drain 1 HP Drain 2 MP Drain 2
Rot Summon 1 Fatigue Summon 2

Dark Flare 1 100
80 MP
Evil energy attacks with Hell's fury.
Dark Flare 2 700
430 MP
Your opponent is slammed with negative power as beams of darkness strike at them.
Dark Flare 3 1600
775 MP
A dome of dark energy crushes your opponent within its confines.
Dark Flare 4 3000
1100 MP
Orbs of black power collect around your opponent, then shadow demons attack in an explosion of darkness.
Poison 60
100 MP
The body starts to slowly decay in affected areas. Adds the Poisoned status.
Blind N/A
390 MP
Attacks the eyes, making it harder to determine where to target an attack. Adds the Blind status.
Mute N/A
815 MP
Stops the ability of a person to speak, halting their magical abilities. Adds Mute.
Paralyze N/A
1210 MP
The nerves are stunned, causing the body to stop moving. Adds the Numb status.
HP Drain 1 90
140 MP
Steals the life force from your opponent, and siphons it into your body. Damage dealt is added to the user's HP.
HP Drain 2 1200
815 MP
Takes the very essence of someone's soul and drains it into the caster's body. Same HP stealing effect as HP Drain 1.
MP Drain 1 360
540 MP
Steals the target's phsycological powers, increasing your own. Damage dealt is instead taken from the target's MP, and is also added to the user's MP.
MP Drain 2 1800
1280 MP
Able to steal away one's entire phsyche, leaving them as empty shells, this will take away quite a large portion of the target's mental capacities. Same MP-based effects as MP Drain 1.
Rot N/A
85 MP
Attacks the muscle tissues of the arms and legs, decreasing attacking power. Lowers Attack by 10% (Attack x0.9).
Fatigue N/A
770 MP
Wears the body out, making it harder to defend one's self. Defense lowers by 10% (Defense x0.9).
Summon 1 N/A
560 MP
Summons a lesser demon from Hell. Demon stats are 1/8 of your own, and it uses your MP to cast spells. It has all of your abilities, and when controlling it, just add (Demon) or something of the sort to its actions. The Demon lasts until either it dies or the battle ends. Even when the Demon dies, you do not.
Summon 2 N/A
2070 MP
Summons a gigantic demon from the deepest pits of Hell. Demon stats are 1/4 of yours, and everything else is exactly like Summon 1.

Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4
Blaze 1 Blaze 2 Blaze 3 Blaze 4
Wisp Flame Wall 1 Melt Flame Wall 2
Burning Mist 1 Fire Dart Burning Mist 2 Flame Spear
Shock 1 Crest Shock 2 Point Flare

Blaze 1 100
80 MP
A small ball of flame that speeds to your opponent.
Blaze 2 700
430 MP
Sends a short column of fire at your enemy.
Blaze 3 1600
775 MP
A cone of blazing heat surrounds the target.
Blaze 4 3000
1100 MP
A star-like inferno engulfs the enemy.
Wisp N/A
100 MP
Sends a magical ball of blue flame to report on another character's position and status. Can be used to see through abilities such as the Ninja's Stealth.
Melt N/A
1050 MP
Makes armor so hot that it can no longer be worn. The target is unable to add in body armor defense for the remainder of the battle.
Flame Wall 1 N/A
510 MP
Increases defese by 10% (DEF x1.1). Adds the status effect Flame Barrier 1. If layered with itself, Flame Barrier 1 is the only effect added.
Flame Wall 2 N/A
1770 MP
Increases defense by 20% (DEF x1.2). In addition, adds Flame Barrier 2. If layered with itself, Flame Barrier 2 is the only effect added.
Burning Mist 1 N/A
110 MP
Lowers hit by 10% (HIT x0.9).
Burning Mist 2 850
915 MP
Hit is lowered by 20% (HIT x0.8).
Fire Dart 410
455 MP
Strength decreased by 10% (STR x0.9).
Flame Spear 1800
1320 MP
Lowers strength by 20% (STR x0.8).
Shock 1 N/A
60 MP
Adds Numb and lowers defense by 10% (DEF x0.9).
Shock 2 670
920 MP
Adds Numb and lowers defense by 10% (DEF x0.9).
Crest N/A
490 MP
Increases attack by 10% (ATK x1.1).
Point Flare 1500
2740 MP
Disarms the target for three rounds (they can no longer add their weapon's power), or lowers any one variable stat by 10% (Stat x0.9).

Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4
Quake 1 Quake 2 Quake 3 Quake 4
Stone Shell 1 Mudslide Stone Shell 2 Earthblade
Pollen Needles Leaf Wall Vines
Life Essence Fissure Shape Nature Harden

Quake 1 100
80 MP
The ground cracks and cleaves in a line from the mage, throwing rocks into the air as it attacks their enemy.
Quake 2 700
430 MP
A wave of earth attacks the mage's target from afar.
Quake 3 1600
775 MP
Earth and stones are thrown into the air, then it all falls onto the opponent.
Quake 4 3000
1100 MP
Earthen hands grab and pummel the enemy.
Stone Shell 1 N/A
110 MP
Adds Hardness 1.
Stone Shell 2 N/A
800 MP
Adds the Hardness 2 status.
Mudslide N/A
520 MP
Lowers speed by 10% (SPD x0.9).
Earthblade 1900
1300 MP
If target's HP is lower than 1/16 their Max, the target's HP is reduced to zero.
Pollen N/A
60 MP
Adds the Asleep status.
Needles 460
480 MP
Lowers defense by 10% (DEF x0.9). If cast more than once upon the same target, defense does not lower repeatedly.
Leaf Wall N/A
835 MP
Lowers hit by 10% (HIT x0.9).
Vines N/A
1250 MP
Lowers speed by 20% (SPD x0.8).
Life Essence 280
50 MP
Cancels: Poison, Blind, and Mute.
Fissure A series of rocks shoot out of the ground, knocking your opponent backwards. Makes the target lose two turns.
Shape Nature N/A
960 MP
Makes a weapon with the stats of a basic Bronze weapon. At Class 1, the stats improve to Mythril status.
Harden N/A
1270 MP
Adds Petrifying. Upon being cast again on the same target Petrifying 2 is added. Upon another casting on the same target, Stone is added.