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&rea's Pregnancy Journal!
Here is the journal of events from pre-conception to birth! Someday, I want to share this with my daughter. (Don't worry, it's not TOO detailed!)

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August 19, 1997 Robert has vasectomy reversed in a four-hour outpatient surgery. All goes well, and we are given a 90% chance for success.

September 7, 1997 First day of normal female cycle.

September 19, 1997 Robert's birthday. I bought champagne; he drank all but the one glass I consumed. He claims to have no memory of the events of the evening after that!

September 30, 1997 Microscope at surgeon's office confirms the success of the procedure from August 19.

October 14, 1997 As I recover from a three-week bout with bronchitis, I notice increasing nausea. Robert suggests the "p-word," although I am skeptical. I attributed the missed cycle for October to the illness.

October 16, 1997 With the nausea not subsiding, we pick up a home test. Almost immediately it comes back with a positive reading. Still unbelieving, I question if I made a mistake taking the test!

October 20, 1997 Called OB-GYN at Robert's insistence, set first appointment for October 24. Went for official blood test that evening.

October 21, 1997 Robert calls me from work to say he called the doctor about the test results. He reports the blood test is positive.

October 24, 1997 First doctor appointment! Got vitamins and a bag full of goodies! Due back in four weeks.

October 27, 1997 Got first PHYSICAL sign of pregnancy. Felt better for a hours after that!

November 17, 1997 Had first prenatal blood work done. After taking FIVE vials from my arm, they had me wondering if I had enough remaining for the baby and myself!

November 24, 1997 Next appointment. All seems well, except I keep losing weight, 2 pounds since last month! They say not to be alarmed, it's normal, especially if I really have no appetite or can't keep the food down! Heard the heartbeat for the first time! I more than ever, the pregnancy seemed real!

November 26, 1997 Last bout with morning sickness. From here it seems to get better, except I am very tired most days, but I'll take that over nausea ANY time!

November 29, 1997 Spent over two hours at Sears signing up for the Baby Registry. (Thanks to Vicky, for all her help and patience!)

December 16, 1997 Date of first ultrasound, which had to be cancelled due to lack of coverage at Robert's employer.

December 19, 1997 Ultrasound reveals a head, 2 arms and 2 legs in proper places! Arms and legs are fully functional, and quite mobile! We chose not to have the gender revealed. (Gotta have something to "work" for in the delivery room!) Heard the heartbeat once again, which was calculated to be 150 bpm. Ultrasound Photos

December 29, 1997 Went for AFP blood work. Only one vial this time!

December 30, 1997 Created the Babywatch section of the webpage, all from memory, proving I haven't lost it yet!

January 13, 1998 Monthly checkup - finally gained a few pounds...six actually (but hey, I lost 2 each month prior to this!) Fetal heart rate is a strong 150. Best of all, the AFP bloodwork results were great. I practically have a better shot at the lottery jackpot than having a baby with Down's Syndrome or spina bifida!

January 29, 1998 I felt something!! I didn't know what until I felt it again! Detectable fetal movement! The little one is kicking! It's not strong enough for anyone else to feel, it's barely a tickle! But, still, I felt it!

February 2, 1998 Doctor says all is going well. Heart rate still at 150.

February 20, 1998 Got sick with the flu. Decided to tough it out, so the baby isn't high on flu meds!

February 28, 1998 Flu is gone. The kicking, which had slowed during the illness, is resuming....and geting harder!

March 9, 1998 My husband is now able to feel the kicks!

March 13, 1998 The doctor says all is well, but I am too active. My larger-than-normal weight gain is water retention caused by over-activity! Go figure! Fetal heartrate is closer to 160 this visit!

March 20, 1998 Movement is visible almost constantly now. Sometimes I just lay down and watch my twitching belly, still fascinated by the miracle we've created!

March 30, 1998 Was supposed to go for more bloodwork! We were moving and I forgot. Better get that done!

April 6, 1998 After noticing my "belly measurement" is larger than expected, the doctor schedules another ultrasound for April 14. Heartbeat is strong and around 150. Appointments now will be bi-weekly instead of monthly. We must now start tracking kicks! (How long does it take to feel 10 kicks?)

April 14, 1998 Ultrasound checked out great! Seems the placenta is big and full! All limbs were visible. Heart rate around 140! Due date remains unchanged! (Go to Ultrasound Photos)

April 21, 1998 All is fine once again! We're reminded to choose a pediatrician. Strong heartbeat, still around 140-145! Need to get HIV test for potential Cord Blood Registry donation.

April 23, 1998 Finally went for that glucose test (gestational diabetes check)! Lab claims I should have fasted, doctor insists there was no need. Drank 12 ounces of sweet orange drink, which upset my stomach. Then returned to the lab for blood work one hour later. (If I fail this one, I have to do a 3-hour test!! Lab expects me to fail.) Also drew blood for HIV test.

May 4, 1998 Routine bi-weekly checkup. All is well, no swelling, no bleeding. Lots of kicks. Blood pressure normal. I won't discuss my total weight gain, they aren't concerned, but I AM female, so I won't put it in print! HIV test negative, as is glucose!

May 5, 1998 Dropped Cord Blood Registry paperwork in the mail. Now it's up to them!

May 20, 1998 I'm now in week 37, so I've been informed that my appointments are now weekly, and those dreaded internal exams begin. Baby is fine, mom's cervix is not dialated.

May 23, 1998 BABY SHOWER! Friends and family congregated at my home while my husband took me out for the day. We walked all over the county, or so it felt. I'm surprised I didn't drop over during the shower. The entire event was videotaped. Thanks to all who joined me that day.

May 25, 1998 Memorial Day, the pool opened, and this whale was ready to go swimming! However there were other plans for me! Shortly after breakfast, I became quite ill. I was unable to eat or drink for the next 36 hours! Panicked, I called the doctor who reassured me that the baby would be fine!

May 26, 1998 Had my weekly checkup only a few hours after I started eating again! Showed a 3 1/2 pound weight loss, mostly due to lost fluids. Internal exam reveals no dialation, but does trigger false labor about an hour later!

May 27, 1998 I awaken to find the belly which had been supporting my breasts for several months, now hanging at my knees! Overnight the baby dropped into place! Robert now begins to panick, thinking it could be anytime.

June 3, 1998 Next scheduled appointment. Rescheduled for following day by doctor's office.

June 4, 1998 Doctor is able to feel the baby's head with this exam. I asked if he felt much hair! Fetus is fully in position, but mom STILL is not dialated. An hour after the appointment, we took a walk to relieve the false labor which now consistently follows those exams.

June 10, 1998 2:10 am.....awoke to the realization that I had lost the mucous plug. This triggered me to begin packing the all-important suitcase! Nothing like waiting until the last minute!

June 11, 1998 Well, weren't we shocked to learn at today's appointment that there is absolutely no dialation (how'd that plug get out?) They hooked "us" up to the monitor to check for uterine activity, track fetal movement, and see how all that affected the baby's heart rate. There was plenty of movement and the heart rate fluctuated from 138 to 181!!! Doc says all is well, but inducing labor is mentioned, as it appears mom isn't ready to let go! (Already a protective mother, won't let my child out leave it's womb!)

June 16, 1998 Felt like I was leaking fluid this morning, but not gushing. Was told to come in for an exam (weekly exam was scheduled for the 17th.) The test was negative, but they admitted that test isn't always accurate. Spent the afternoon swimming, and afterward, noticed traces of bloody discharge.

June 17, 1998 Awoke at 3am with dull contractions roughly every 20 minutes. Also found brighter bloody discharge. Took a 20 minute shower, and fell back to sleep. Awoke at 6am to find the contractions now 4 minutes apart. Took a walk outside, which only increased the frequency to two minutes. Called doc, who said to meet him at the hospital. Guess that ends this journal!