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Sesame Place

Front of one ticketOn Monday, May 29, 2000 (Memorial Day to us in the US), Mommy, Daddy, and I went to Sesame Place, in Langhorne, PA. The photos you see here are from the tickets. Aren't they pretty? Anyway, I had a blast meeting some of my favorite Sesame Street characters over the course of the day. Choose a name from the links below to see the photos of me with each of them.
No, I didn't get on this little rollercoaster. Mommy said maybe another year, when I'm a bit bigger. But I was so busy meeting everyone and playing in really neat and fun areas, that I didn't mind. Wait until I tell you what all I did! Oh and I can show you, too. There are so many photo galleries in this section, you could easily forget this was a day trip! Mommy used over 3 rolls of film!Front of other ticket

A nice young man took this photo of Mommy, Daddy, and me as soon as we walked in the door.

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