Yep, I crank out a lot of stories. Way more than I ever thought I would. The list below are a few of my favorites of what I’ve written, ones I particularly like for one reason or another. Individual chapters of “The Story So Far” are not included here, as they are all part of a larger arc and don’t really work on their own, out of sequence. But these are a few of what I consider to be my better offerings. Hopefully, you will agree.

How Many Friends
One of my earlier stories. I like the adventure in it, and it just came together well.
After Ares incapacitates Hercules, Iolaus must go after the one thing that will cure him, though it may prove fatal for the hunter.

Nowhere to Run
I like this one, as it shows that Iolaus is a great warrior in his own right. Also, it gives him another victory over Goth.
Missing scene from “Highway to Hades”. Hercules is trapped as a shade for 24 hours, leaving Iolaus to deal with an attack by Goth on his own.

Alone in the Night
This one all fell into place as I wrote it. I really like the idea of it, the creativity.
The gods fall victim to a terrible curse, and its up to Iolaus to save them, and Greece.

I wanted to break Ares out of the “cartoon villain” mold and show a little motivation behind what he does

All Shall Be Well
A sweet holiday story, incorporating “A Star to Guide Them”
Iolaus and Hercules journey “North”, hoping to find a solstice miracle

Token Hercules
A bit of nonsense poking fun at the cliches of the series

Soul Searching
My favorite of everything I’ve written. This is my masterpiece, and my offering to try and explain the hell of Season Five.
Hercules and Iolaus journey to Eire, hoping to find a cure for the plague sweeping through Greece, but they run into much trouble along the way

Miracle Cure
A “Young Hercules” story, attempting to show Iolaus’ transition between Academy screw-up and the brave warrior he becomes
Iolaus works to find a miracle cure after Hercules is poisoned by Ares

Time the Healer
Missing scene from “The Academy”. Just had to write this, to show that Hercules was still grieving from the loss of Iolaus, even though the writers seemed to have forgotten all about him.
