1st Battle of Manassas
2nd Battle of Manassas

Confederate Army

Frank P. Marrone Jr.

Click for Pitman, New Jersey Forecast

Me and my trusty Van at East Cemetery Hill

Other Civil War Battles

Bloody Lane (The Aftermath)

Aftermath at Dunker Church

My name is Frank P Marrone Jr. I was born on August 11th 1971 in Woodbury NJ. I am a American Civil War Re-enactor out of Gettysburg, PA. I do both Union and Confederate impressions and am availible for hire by Schools, Buisnesses,Ect. I am married to my wife Denise who is also a civilian Re-enactor. Other hobbies I have include Lionel Trains, Gun Collecting and music. I am a musician who plays Guitar, Bass and Drums.I am an advid CD collector and spend many hours listening to the music I love. I am a devout Christian and not ashamed of it. I love life and having a good time with my friends and family. I love to travel and see Historic places.

During the Summer of 2000 I had decided to get into Civil War Re-enacting on a larger scale and a few months later purchased a home in Gettysburg. I have always knew I'd move there after my father brought me there in 1976 for the Bicentenial of this great country.I had decided to build this website on Gettysburg to fulfill my passion of learning and knowing everything possible about the battlefield. Ive spent many hours on the field studying and pondering this great place. Thus the reason for this website.

What are people saying about This site!

" Your Website is excellent. I can trust my kids on the internet when i see your site on thier computer favorite foldersquot;Janice Romas--Willings,AL

"Frank... I have visited this site every night since i found it!quot;Jerry Creggar--Newark,Dl.

"I love your site as it contains SO much information. It is like a book online.."Molly--Civil War Web

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P.O. Box 3984
Gettysburg,PA 17325


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