Gettysburg Online

Battlefield Journal

Gettysburg Battlefield News

Gen. R. E. Lee

Gen. Meade

Triangle Field

Confedarate Prisoners (1863)


Stop the Madness!!!!!

On September 3rd 2004 Gettysburg College, Schmucker Art Gallery will hold a mock lynching of a Confederate flag on a thirteen foot gallow outside by a Black 36 year old teacher and artist from Florida. He once displayed on his his recolored confederate flags at a KKK Rally.

The mock lynching has caused a major stir in town and has threatened the ecomony of Gettysburg in the future. Many southern organizations and southerers have threatened to boycott Gettysburg outright if the display is allowed to happen.Jim Palmisano, commander of the Sons of Confederate Veterans group in Gettysburg, said he wishes the school would cancel the exhibition, calling the mock lynching tasteless and insulting.

There have also been reports of a higher police presence that will cost the town over $50,000. Buisnesses may suffer and taxpayers may pick up the cost for the Police. This is a disgrace to the town and should not be allowed to happen. The institution of slavery existed under the American Flag long before the stars and bars. The American Civil War was fought for many reasons other than slavery and once the Union was victourios, slavery was abolished. The stars and bars is symbolic of Southern Heritage and a dream of a nation that would never come to pass. However it still is part of our heritage as americans and should not be mocked.

Slavery was wrong and even most southerners felt it was on its way out. These Colleges and Left-Wing Liberals are always trying to prove something and they use the most annoying ways of doing it. You rarely find Conservatives burning flags,parading nude with slogans painted on their bodies and blocking goverment buildings.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans have released the following press release...........

August 25, 2004

International Sons of Confederate Veterans

Columbia, Tennessee



The greatest battle ever fought on the North American continent and the historical aftermath of this titanic contest have been lost forever in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. On the same grounds where Robert E. Lee, John Buford and John Reynolds fought for principles they held dear to them, Gettysburg College has decided that political correctness is more important than it’s historical identity.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans hereby alert all of our members and friends to attend the rally to be held on September 2 and September 3 at Gettysburg College to protest the College sponsored art exhibit featuring the hateful anti-Southern artwork of John Sims.

It has become apparent that neither Gettysburg College nor Gettysburg appreciates the value of Southern tourism. The valor exhibited by Confederate soldiers in this decisive battle is no longer important to officials of Gettysburg or Gettysburg College. The Confederate Battle flag is an honored flag flown on the battlefield by our Confederate soldiers. By promoting what the college calls “art” in which any intelligent person can see is nothing but thinly disguised hatred, the Sons of Confederate Veterans have decided that an economic boycott of the Gettysburg area will commence on September 3. And millions of American citizens with a love of the South and their Confederate heritage have been deeply offended.

Commander-in-Chief Denne Sweeney hereby calls on all members, families, and friends to avoid Gettysburg and not to spend any money in the Gettysburg area. All people concerned with the anti-Southern bigotry of this area should alert friends, media, and anyone concerned with the growing problem in Gettysburg so that this boycott will become nationwide and not just regional.

After September 3, Gettysburg is to be avoided whenever vacation plans are being made. Please pass this on to all media, lists and Internet services for widespread distribution.

Brag Bowling

National Press Officer

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Gettysburg Battlefield Online asks that you show up and peacefully protest this mockery of our southern americans and help protect their and our heritage. 804.359.0382

After a long wait The Pennsylvania Monument is finaaly finished. It was a long job, but well worth the wait. You can now climb to the top, at the dome and get a birdseye view of the battlefield. It was a project taken on by The Friends of The National Park Service in conjunction with The National Park Service and they did a great job. Over the last few years with the National Tower down, The Home Sweet Home Hotel demolished, the clearing of brush and tree overgrowth and the PA Monument Completion, the battlefield has taken on a more beautiful look that local residents and visitors should be proud of.
Day four of the Postponement of The 140th Gettysburg do to wet conditions.This weather report is being brought to you by the letter G. A and C. and the number 0. It was 78 and warm today, partly cloudy with breaks of sun. Some rain is expected in short spirts overnight but not anything that would make a re-enactor drown in the mud!
Day three of the Postponement of The 140th Gettysburg do to wet conditionsPartly Sunny 85 Degrees. Should dry most grass unless its 3 feet high. Small amount of Rain overnight that was dry by morning.
Day two of the Postponement of The 140th Gettysburg do to wet conditions. Sunny 83 Degrees! Very Humid. Grass Drying Weather!
This is the cartoon that I drew and faxed to the Philadelphia Inquirer,NY Post, NY Times, LA Times and Gettysburg Times.

Are you politically Correct?

The NY papers had it in thier comic section on Monday. I have not heard from LA yet and the Gettysburg Times said they would not print it. I guess only one side of the story is neccessary. A real Democracy we have Huh! Click on the Cartoon to hear the real story!

Day one of the Postponement of The 140th Gettysburg do to wet conditions.Hey it is 78 today! The rains that have plagued us are receding. The grass is drying! Everywhere except where is hasnt been cut. Einstein couldnt tie his shoes but he could build a nuclear bomb. The GAC couldnt get the landowners to cut the grass but they could charge $25 bucks for re-enactors to perform so that they could sell tickets to all you wonderful people for $50. (G=AC2)
The 140th Gettysburg event has been postponed until August. The official website has all of the details, but the claim is that the grounds are wet and will not dry out in time for the July date. (Bull)

This is a major blow to the hobby and tourists who took vacations,booked flights and hotels. The field was looked at just a few weeks back and the grass was over three feet high. Maybee they should have cut the darn grass so it could dry out. The excuse that there is no or very little farms on the entire east coast that could host the event is a scam. Ive seen farmers today out cutting thier grass with tractors. Chalk up another "big event" screwup! The only way to get the message across is to boycott the big events.Gettysburg Battlefield Online will be doing daily weather reports to show you all that the fields could have dried up in time and that this was a rush to judgement.

Anyone interested in purchasing some really good looking images of The Gettysburg Battlefield , should check out Joe Ryan's Civil War Images. I have added his link of the Links page. Looking for that gift for the Civil War buff, stop in and check out his site. Tell em Gettysburg Battlefield Online sent ya.
The Beginning of the tourist season is just a few months away. Many events will be taking place in and around the town from April through November. Now is the time to begin to book hotels and motels if you plan to visit during a particular event. The Lodging link will help you find a room. Please be sure to tell them you found about them through us. I took a few months off of this website but will soon be adding many pages over the coming year. So stay tuned and tell all your friends about Gettysburg Battlefield Online.
Gettysburg Battlefield Online for the third year in a row has won a Goldweb Award from The History Channel. We are humbled to recieve this and want to thank each and everyone of you for spreading the word. The season here at Gettysburg is drawling to a close. After this weekend, Remembrance Day, the town will return to normal with alot less traffic. The leaves will soon be gone and the cold wintry weather and Holidays will be upon us. Dont forget this Saturday the Re-dedication of The 23rd PA monument on Culp's Hill from 3:00 - 4:30 PM. Anyone is invited and you can get more information at Also During the winter season I will begin my first novel on the life of Congressional Medal of Honor Winner William J Wray. To learn more about him go to and .
I just came back from Cedar Creek and I'll tell you if you were not there you missed a great event. Everything went awesome and your "Surpreme High Defarber" went headlong, full speed into a barbed wire fence at the Heater House. The Zouaves went Hardcore trouncng through the mud falling into creeks,staying up doing pickett all night and sleeping on the hard cold ground,some of us without blankets. I also became a member of the 105th PA Infantry under the leadership of Ed Kelley. I am very excited about this and look forward to doing my Federal Impression with this great group in the 2003 season.Remembrance day is just two weeks away. Do not miss the parade or the Re-dedication of the 23rd PA monument on Culp's Hill.
The 104th Pennsylvania Volunteers needs your help. They are looking for anyone for thier November 2nd "Rescue the colors" event. If your a re-enactor,civilian or want to lend a helping hand, please contact them. Here is a list of the activities and contact info.

Rescue the Colors! November 2, 2002 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. War Memorial Field Central Bucks West High School Doylestown, PA 18901 An immense number of carriages carried thousands upon thousands of people to the ceremony in Doylestown. All wanted to witness the presentation of a splendid American flag to the Ringgold Regiment, volunteers from Bucks and surrounding counties. The flag was the gift of the women of Bucks County as a statement of their support for the men training at Camp Lacey to go to battle in the Civil War. (Bucks County Intelligencer, October 22, 1861). The men of the 104th Pennsylvania Volunteers carried the flag throughout the Civil War in battles outside of Richmond and Charleston, SC, in the Shenandoah Valley, and in the siege of Petersburg. The Ringgold Flag is now in the collection of the Bucks County Historical Society. The tattered banner is desperately in need of conservation. Though its condition is poor, and losses to the original fabric significant, a recent expert evaluation determined that the majority of the flag is still intact and can be preserved and exhibited at a cost of $18,000. You are invited to the General’s Ball on November 1 at the James A. Michener Museum in Doylestown. Tickets for the General's Ball can be purchased through McClellan Rangers Reenactment Association. Join us on November 2 at War Memorial Field, Central Bucks High School West, for a living history encampment. Admission is free; contributions, to be put toward preserving the Ringgold flag, will be accepted. Net proceeds of both events will go toward preserving the Ringgold Flag. Reenactors are invited to participate in the ball and the living history encampment. When Color Sergeant John Macdonald Laughlin was handed the Ringgold Flag on that October afternoon, he was instructed by Colonel W. W. H. Davis to “cherish, honor and preserve it.” Now it is our turn to preserve the flag! ***** These events are brought to you by the McClellan Rangers Reenactment Association (MRRA), the 104th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and the McClellan Rangers Fife and Drum Corps. For more information visit us at, email us at


, or phone us at 215-641-1857. Contributions toward preserving the flag can be sent to McClellan Rangers Reenactment Association P.O. Box 1865 Doylestown, PA 18901 MRRA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation chartered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of Federal and state law.

We here at Gettysburg Battlefield Online had a wonderful tourist season in 2002. We would like to thank you for visiting the town as well as the website.Just a reminder that Remembrance day is in just over a month and hotel rooms are running out. Check out our "Lodging" link for numbers and info on hotels in town...and oh yea tell them Gettysburg Battlefield Online sent ya.
The Official William J Wray website is up and running. I was able to locate this Congressional medal of Honor Winners Grave in August and got a GAR marker for his gravesite which was only marked with a stone that read "WRAY". Now we are raising money to purchase a $6000 stone.Click the picture to see how you can help.

William J Wray

Well thers not a whole lot going on in town. We did lose 2 trees on the battlefield this summer which were historic and witnesses of the great battle of Gettysburg. Ther summer was unusally hot with little rain. The Home Sweet Home motel has been purchased and will be torn down. It is my opionion that a hotel should have never been built on Picketts Charge anyway so i say the heck with it. Though no solid info as of yet rumor has it that the area may be turned into an interprative center for Congressional Medal of Honor Winners.
The Re-enactment at Waynesboro was fun. I went with the 114th Pa Collis Zouaves and had a great time. The rules were simple.

What you could carry you could bring. We took the fiedls in full gear and fought often near the front lines. On Friday night we went out on a recon mission to scout the reb position and strength. We were able to report the strengh of the enemy back to our camp without the enemy ever knowing.It was a long cool,dusty three hour affair that lasted from midnight to 3am. The next day it showed when the Union Army crushed the rebs in the tactical battle. The 114th was near the front and a reb flag was nearly captured by 1st Sgt Bob Amends. I want to thank Shaun, Bob, Maynard, Aaron,Ryan, Mike, Britta, Andy and Eric for coming as well as the guys from the 105th and Our beloved Captain Ed! Shaun G taught us Bayonet Drill and it drew some audience. We would like to wish a hearty farewell to our Vivandiere Britta who attended her last event for the season as she reurns back to school....and France!


The neat thing for me was to camp with no tent and carry everthing we needed on our back. Shoot we ate corn out of the cornfield and cooked them on our lanterns. When it was time to pack up we were outta there while "The Trusty Ol A tents" Came down. See you all at Antietam.

Today was "The Supreme High Defarbers", The Webmasters Birthday. I turned 31. I made a hardtack cake out of a piece of hardtack and Beeswax Candle, and you know was delicious. The Hardtack wasnt too bad either. See you all on the "Farby Fields of Fire" aka FFF

Story originally in the Gettysburg Times. To subscribe visit

The oldest tree on the Gettysburg battlefield lost its life this week, when strong winds split the mighty oak. “Conservatively, the tree dates back to 1715,” said Danny Reever, landscape preservation supervisor. He said the park service had been working for years to save the tree. “It is nature. Nothing lives forever,” said Reever. He explained that the oak tree, which was located on West Confederate Avenue near Emmitsburg Road had started to split six to eight years ago. “We tried to keep it alive,” said Reever. He noted that the metal rods were placed in the tree to stablize it. “It worked for a while,” he said. “But the winds on Tuesday were just too much for it.” The oak tree split at the top, pulling away from the metal pins, leaving a limb that measured three feet across hanging over West Confederate. “That was like having an entire tree hanging over the road,” Reever said. “At that point, it became a hazard.” Pennington’s Tree Service was called in to take the rest of the tree down. Once the tree was removed on Thursday, Reever set about to aging it. He used push pins to mark every 50 years and then estimated to the center of the tree, which was hollow and measured about 12-14 inches across. A 35-year veteran of the National Park Service, Reever remembers when he took tree expert, Bob White, around the park 25 years ago. “We were heading down West Confederate when he stopped me and said that’s the oldest tree on the park,” Reever recalled. “I said, ‘Then, the tree saw the Civil War’. And he said, ‘that tree probably saw George Washington ride by,’ ” Reever said. Registered landscape architect Jeanne Graybeal-Thrane said she had hoped the stump of the tree would remain with a plaque indicating that the oak was once the oldest on the battlefield. “It could have been left as one of the most historic sites of Gettysburg,” said Graybeal-Thrane. But the ground on where the stately oak once stood will soon nurture a new oak tree. “We put trees back where they stood historically,” said Reever. “And they are the same tree.” He added that a group from Canada visits the park each November and plants a tree. “We tell them where trees need to be replaced and they donate the tree. Then they come down for the planting,” said Reever. This year, Reever said, there are spaces for new trees including a replacement for an old oak on Barlow’s Knoll, the tree on West Confederate and a purple ash in the National Cemetery. “We plant a new oak and the process will start all over again,” said Reever.

I have just built a page to honor Fredrick Huber of the 23rd Pa. I put the page up on Find a Grave . Com which is a great website dealing with burial listings.

Fredrick Huber

The story of Fredrick Huber is very interesting and you can leave some virtual flowers!

The 139th Gettysburg is over and it was a great event to be a part of this year. The 104th Pennsylvania showed up in force with 22 of our 34 military members in attendance and 3 more joining over the weekend. The group photo here taken at The Sach's Covered Bridge before we went into battle. The members are Matt,Bill k , Alex ,Bill O',Ed P, Scott, Ed, Mike,Pat,Frank,Phil, Andy,Glen, Les, Gene,Dave Amanda,Leslie,Mike,Tyler,Josh,and Captain Knight. We were also represented well by our civilian members Denise,Lisa,Dawn,Trudy,Sue,Joanne,Diane,Mary Kay and Schvahn.

Click here for the 139 Gettysburg Page

On the final day Frank Marrone,Andrew Uhl, Les Salsbury and Alex Vasold were filmed by producers working with the Discovery Channel for an upcoming special on the effects of wounds from Civil War muskets.The special is due to be aired early in 2003.

In an unrelated issue to this site but nonetheless an important one for me..... A friend of mine whom I played Little League and Babe Ruth Ball with became a member of my Favorite Major League Baseball Team...The New York Yankees. Chris Widger and I attended and graduated Pennsville Memorial High School Together in 1989. I have video of us playing in Little League taped by my father and Im thrilled that he has a chance to be a part of the most storied franchise in the history of all sports.

Here is the press release

The Yankees designated catcher Alberto Castillo for assignment on Sunday and purchased the contract of backstop Chris Widger from Triple-A Columbus. "He gives us a little more offense as a backup," said manager Joe Torre. "That was a big part of it." Widger, who batted .244 with 10 home runs and 39 RBIs in 61 games at Columbus, had a clause in his contract that allowed him to become a free agent on Monday if he was still in the minors. "This is where I wanted to be. I signed here, wanted to play for the Yankees and be two hours north of my house," said Widger, who lives in southern New Jersey. "This is where everybody wants to play, this is the uniform everyone wants to put on. I'm nobody on this team, I'm here not to mess things up, but to me, this is like a new start for me." ... Ron Coomer (neck) and Shane Spencer (left wrist) were both unavailable for Sunday's game, but should be able to return to action on Tuesday. Both players took cortisone shots over the weekend and are considered day-to-day.

I hung out with Lee-Ann Snipes and some of her friends at the Farnsworth House last weekend. It was great talking to you all and since they were Firemen, it was nice to tell them about the Fire Zouave Unit that I portray. We took a moment to pose for this photo.A special thanks to Keven Mann at the Winfield Fire Department in Winfield Kansas for sending the photo and for chatting.

There is a great new site done by Britta Ardent on Civil War Nurses.The site is brand new and being updated. It seems like it will turn out to be a great site to visit and check in on so save the link on your favorites.To view the site click on the picture of Britta!

Civil War Nurses

Britta is a member of The 114th Pa "Collis Zouaves" and serves as thier Vivandiere and she also does a nurse impression!

Well the Gettysburg Re-enactment is a week away and it's sure to be a great event this year. If you haven't got your tickets yet, you still can. Goto the links page and click on the Gettysburg Re-enactment page or stop in at many shops in town that are selling them. If you havent got a room in town yet, bar any cancellations they are SOLD OUT!!! so youll have to bring a camper or stay to the west in Chambersburg. This will be the final year at the site of the movie "Gettysburg" where the event has been held. Hope to see you all or Y'all there!
We would like to announce the newest members of "Birney's Fire Zouaves" The glorious 23rd Pennsylvania. A big welcome to Matt and Jan Kuchta! Hope to see you both in uniform soon. We are still on the look for re-enactors who want to join a neat group that rejects the typical politics found in the hobby. We are proud to have free membership and guys and gals who love thier country and its history. If you know anyone who would like to be a re-enactor have them contact us via our website. The link is below!

Free Membership!!
The Twenty Third Pa---Birney's Fire Zouaves

The e-mail contacts for the 23rd pa are...



We will be ordering our state flag in a few months and im getting very excited about this. Also we our on the lookout for a firedog that resembles "Dash" the original Firehouse dog of the 23rd Pa. So if your a re-enactor and have a dog that looks like dash...we want you to join us! The 23rd Pa ....where men ,women,dogs and Zouaves get thier respect!!!We also enourage anyone who wants to do a regular Federal Impression to join the 104th Pa. The 104th Pa is a well organized laid back group with an impressive 32 rifles. They are my main Federal impression and a "sister unit" of the 23rd Pa. If interested e-mail Captain Ray Knight at

or Les Salsbury at

We would be glad to have you abord this awesome group of Re-enactors. If you join both youll be doing a federal and Zouave impression. A little Campaign style and a unit that was famous for its garrison and siege duty.

104th Pa Home
The 104th PA

The 7th Annual Civil War Weekend at Pennypacker Park in Scwenksville, Pa was a success and a great time. The 104th fielded about 20 men. There was a nice crowd of about two thousand on hand including Action News Channel 6 Philadelphia taping us at camp and doing Bayonet drill.

The photo above is Frank Marrone and Andrew Uhl in thier 23rd Pa gear. The second photo are men of the 104th on a beautiful sunset showing off our proud colors. The State Flag, The Ringgold Flag and the Regimental Flag. We were asked by the Commanding Officer to provide the colors for the Union Army. We had our three colors present and I was honored for the first time to be a color bearer. I carried the Regimental colors into battle and returned them safely during our route of the Confederates.

The smoke of battle can be seen in the distance as the Confederates are pushed from the field.Many thanks to all of those Union and Confederate Re-enactors in attendance.The next stop .....Gettysburg!!!
A couple of days ago I purchased Stephen Reckers "Virtual Gettysburg" software for my computer. I have always been a fan of the website, admiring the 3-d Interactive views. A few months ago I heard via thier site that it would be released on CD Rom. Well I must say....This is one of the most amazing pieces of Software you could ever buy and well worth the money. For $129.99 you can have the Battlefield in your home 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You can have one of the best guides if not the best, Gary Kross taking you for a tour of the battlefield and you'll have one of the best impersonators of Abraham Lincoln, Jim Getty! We who live in Gettysburg know Jim as a man who takes what he does seriously. Jim Getty reciting the Gettysburg Address is moving. The 4 Cd set contains 99 Panoramas which are interactive. You want to look behing you just grab your mouse and do it. It has 21 guided tours,plus maps,photos and a great book that comes with the set.

This Cd Rom is simply packed with information. While the tour is going on and people , places and events are being spoken of, maps and photos are being shown at the bottom of the screen. With the phots you can move your mouse to a monument and it will show a photo at the bottom with the info on the monument.

Not sold yet all the panoramas are in 3-d! You can go to any tour ant any time or pick them just by clicking on it. When I built Gettysburg Battlefield Online in 1998 that was exactly my idea for the website. Want to visit Devils Den,click Devils Den. Want to see the Peach Orchard,click the Peach Orchard! This Software allows you to interactively have a battlefield tour with a 3-d Panoramic view any time you please. You can get a copy for yourself online by clicking the Logo below. Be sure to tell them Gettysburg Battlefield Online sent ya!

So bust up that piggy bank and get your copy today!

Wow its been one year today that I bought my home and closed on it. One year Gettysburg Battlefield Online officially made its home in Gettysburg.The tourist season is in full swing and the 139th annivery re-enactment is just a month away. If you havent got tickets yet now would be a good time.
The memorial day parade in Gettysburg was quite an event this year. The guys from the 114th Collis Zouaves joined up with the 87th Pa and were notied alot on thier march through town.We look to have more Zouaves for the upcoming Remembrance Day parade in November.


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"This has got to be the greatest Gettysburg website i have ever seen!!!"William Matthews--Glassboro,NJ

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Gettysburg Battlefield Online
P.O. Box 3984
Gettysburg,PA 17325


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