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JROTC Newsletter

    The Beaver JROTC Newsletter is one of the most unique aspects of our program.  The Newsletter is lead by the S-2, or Personal Relations officer.  However, the S-2 Does not write the articles that go into the Newsletter, she only edits and creates it.  It is the cadets themselves that write the news articles that appear in the newsletter.

    This is done for several reasons.  The first is that by having the cadets write the articles, they have the chance to voice their opinion and share their views with the entire battalion.  Even the new cadets get a chance to write news articles.  

    Other good aspects to the Newsletter are the "Cadet Profiles" and "Colonel's Corner".  Cadet Profiles allow random cadets to put out the information that they want the other cadets to know about them.  This allows the cadets to get to know about each other and helps promote unity in the battalion.  "Colonel's Corner" is the section in which Colonel Sudol, our Senior Army Instructor, can discuss upcoming preparations and events, and how to improve in past events.


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