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What is
the Accelerated Reader

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   The Accelerated Reader program began at Meridian Elementary School in January, 1999.  The program was designed to foster a love of reading in students while improving reading skills.  Research has shown that as reading practice increases, a student's reading skills improve, and that motivating a student to read is key to reading success.
    Before taking part in the Accelerated Reader program, every student completes a short, computer test which determines the reading level that is comfortable for him or her, yet still challenging enough to develop reading skills.
    Students participate in the Accelerated Reader program simply by reading books within their "comfort zone" reading level. They can select books from the school library, public library or home library, and then take a short, computerized quiz at school on the contents of the book.  There are thousands of quizzes available through Accelerated Reader, covering fiction, non-fiction, classics, and award winning children and young adult books.
   After completing the quiz, the computer immediately scores it and awards the student points, based on the student's degree of success.  The points can be used for prizes and other incentives.  No matter what the student's reading level may be, the student will experience success which is one of the best motivations!!
    Accelerated Reader reports allow the teacher to closely monitor each student's reading progress, so that problems can be caught early and  individually addressed.
    Accelerated Reader has had much success nationwide in increasing standardized test scores in ALL CURRICULUM AREAS, while developing a lifelong love of reading.