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  Special: A Tour to the Four Suyos

Day 1 Lima
Meet at the airpoert and then take a connecting flight to Cusco (or one night in Lima if there are difficulties in the connection flight).
A city tour of Lima will be offered during the day.
Day 2
City tour and tour of ruins surrounding Cusco.
Day 3 to 5
Tour to Puerto Maldonado - Huallahualla - Marcapata
Bus to Huallahualla mountain, 4850m. From there we descend 140 km by bike to Mazuco in the jungle over a period of three days. Bus to Puerto Maldonado and then boat to Lake Sandoval. A night is spent at a Wasai-lodge situated on the lake shore.
Day 6 Puerto Maldonado - Cusco
Return to Cusco by plane. Free day in Cusco.
Day 7 Tour Cusco - Huambutio - Paucartambo - Tres Cruces
Bycicle tour 40 km downhill, to Paucartambo. WeĞll take a bus to the Tres Cruces where weĞll make a camp for the night. In the morning, you will have the opportunity to view a most spectacular sunrise. From here, we descend 40 km to Paucartambo.
Day 8 Return to Paucartambo
by bycicle, 40 km downhill. Lunch in Paucartambo before returning to Cusco by bus. Arrival in Cusco at 9 pm.
Day 9 Bolivia
Cusco - Juliaca by plane. Bus to Puno - Copacabana (free night).
Day 10
and 11
Copacabana - La Paz
Part of the 170 km Journey will be made on bycicle (85 km to the hotel). The following day we will arrive in La Paz by bus. Free afternoon.
Day 12 La Paz - Coroico
Bus to La Cumbre, 4650m. We will descend by bycicle to Coroico, 3650m. Free afternoon.
Day 13 Coroico
Free day.
Day 14 Coroico - La Paz - Oruro - Potosi - Uyuni
Bus to La Paz. Flight to Oruro, Bus to Potosi and then on to Uyuni where weĞll spend the night in a hotel.
Day 15 Salar de Uyuni
WeĞll take a jeep to the "Isla del Pescado" and then cycle through 85 km of salt beds named Salar the Uyuni. In route, weĞll pass by a unique hotel made exclusively of salt.
Day 16 Salar de Uyuni
Day 17 Uyuni - Oruro - La Paz
Uyuni - Oruro by bus, Oruro - La Paz by plane. Free afternoon.
Day 18 La Paz
Free day.
Day 19 La Paz - Lima - Paracas
La Paz - Lima by plane, Lima - Paracas by bus. In the afternoon, we will visit the "Islas Ballestas" to view the seal colony. If time permits, a bycicle ride afterwards.
Day 20 Paracas - Nazca
Bus to Nasca, flight over the Nazca lines. Afterwards, a bycicle ride.
Klazien in front of the "Cathedral" en Paracas (South of Lima) Klazien a la Cathedral de Paracas (south of Lima)
Day 21 Nazca - Lima
Day 22 This extra day allows for delays encountered during the tour.


This tour includes:
  • hotel or hostal (all are 2 or 3 star category)
  • food
  • plane tickets within Perœ and Bolivia
  • land transportation
  • water transportation
  • guides
  • cook
  • tour director
  • support vehicle with mechanics
  • insurance
  • Riders will bring their own bikes
  • transportation to and from country of origin is not included
  • groups will be no larger than 8 people
  • optional: tour can be extended to include the Inca-Trail to Machu Picchu


  • 2,100.- US$
  • 50% payable until the 1st of June, 50% on the first of July, 2001


Any questions? Special requirements? For more information, please contact us:
Ecomontana Mountainbike Tours(0051-84-) 22 32 16