The next contains miscellaneous stuff about Roleplaying Games.
The Elcoraz Project
This is one unfinished project of mine. I've been creating a race, to one RPG,
which we never got to play. There was three of us players, and each of us supposed
to make own race. Our characters would have been ambassadors of the races.
The rules were very simple and easy to use. The gamemaster planned them, with
the little help of players opinions. Free will to designing race, brought lots of
difficulties, and one players first race became so powerful, that it would not have
been a good thing. So the gamemaster talked this player to design a new race. The
idea of this game was, that we wouldn't know, what kind of race each player has
designed. All three races would have their first contact in the continent of humans.
The three ambassadors would have been contacted similarily, by some unknown power,
which would most likely to be revieled, as the game would pass. There was some rumours,
of fifth race (humans are the fourth), which would have been played by some unknown
friend of our gamemaster, and by phone of course.
Yet, I don't know what happened, but we never got to play that RPG.
I am not putting the information of the Elcoraz here, because we still might, hopefully,
play that anonymous RPG. Maybe I will change my opinion in the future.
Blood Bowl
Well, Blood Bowl isn't actually RPG, but rather miniature boardgame
of quite brutal fantasy football. I've gathered some miscellaneous
information about the unofficial rules, and placed them here.
The Army of Darkness, one of my teams, is also discribed here.
If you have comments, how I should improve my pages, or from any other subject,
please feel free to mail me to:, and be sure to be heard.