First, I would like to concratulate you for wasting your time in my domain.
If you haven't been here before, please feel free to read on.
This site is created mainly for to inform you about me. I have wanted to do homepages for a long time now,
and it would seem, that it is finally just happened. Should this page look awfully black & white to you,
it is supposed to.
Main - This page, including constantly (???) upgrading news.
Irc - Information about my hobby & irc-friends.
Me - All you ever want to know about me (well, almost).
RPG's - Miscellaneous stuff about Roleplaying Games.
Links - Links to my favourite sites.
1999, 1st day of April - Today, I moved into the Angelfire, thanks to Radagast.
1999, 6th day of April - This was the day, when I put these new pages into the net.
1999, 6th day of August - I added my story about the #Tolkien-meeting we had.