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Takhisis' Test

The Test of Takhisis

For all orders, continuation past the rank of Warrior requires that the knight pass of a test of loyalty. Just as the wizards on Krynn must pass the dread test of the towers of high sorcery, so, too must all the Knights of the Lily pass a similar test in order to advance. Failure in this test results in death. There has never been a case where a failed knight survived. Even if the knight escapes all three orders use all of their resources to hunt them down and kill them. The Test for the Knights of the Lily generally centres around the three themes of Vision, Order, and Obedience. The test is every bit as difficult as the test in the tower of high sorcery. Typical problems posed are: Will the knight sacrifice whatever is necessary - power, fortune, a loved companion, life itself - in order to fulfil the vision? Will order and obedience win out over sentiment and the heart? Will the knight obey an order at the sacrifice of the knight's own life or the lives of kin or loved ones?

As in the tower, the test may be an illusion, though the tested knights truly believe that what they are undergoing is real. Or, in some instances, the knights may be sent out on missions or quests designed to prove their worthiness. The test is dangerous and often cruel in the extreme, but those who pass are as strong as steel forged in the fires of Neraka. The nature of the test is determined by the knights advocate the one person who knows the knight the best. The advocate understands and appreciates the fact that a knight must be strong n order to fulfil the vision. There can be no weak links in the chain. Therefore, the test is never made easy for the supplicant. Quite the contrary no advocate wants to be known as the sponsor of a weak and ineffective knight, and, therefore the test is designed to be as difficult as possible.

Knights who pass the test are free to choose the order they wish to enter. Often this is the order of their advocate, but this need not be strictly the case. The ascension of the knight into the next order takes place in a solemn ceremony at the knighthood's headquarters, in the hidden northern fortress known as Storms Keep.

The knight is kept in seclusion in the Temple of Takhisis, fasting and praying, for four days prior to the ceremony. At the end of this period, during which the knight receives the Deep Vision, the knight is blessed by dark clerics and sent forth. The knight comes before the rank and file of knights[all those currently in residence]. The Procession of Knights is enacted. The knight is formally presented by his advocate. The knight is promoted and then accepted into the order of his choice.

The knight then undergoes a period of training of about six months. This gruelling instructions generally takes place in Storms Keep, but occasionally extends into other regions if the training specifically requires. Only after this training is the Knight considered a full member of the order.

[The Ranks and Our Members]
[To Join]
[The History]
[The Vision, Oath, and Code]
[The Test]
[Storm's Keep Messages]
[Kipper's Place and Surrounding Area]