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The Vision, The Blood Oath, and The Code

The Vision

The Vision is [in layman's terms] a declaration of the supreme goal of the knighthood. For the Knights of Warrior rank or lower [5th level or below], the vision is embodied in the phrase "One world order."
This intent is no less than the total and authoritative mastery of the entire world of Krynn. The Blood Oath and the Code are instituted to work to that end. When Knights move beyond the Warrior rank, they take the Test of Takhisis. One element of the rite for initiation is the deep vision, a magical impression on the Knight's mind of the will of Takhisis and the objectives of the knighthood. Experienced after four days of fasting and prayer to the Dark Queen, the vision gives the Knight a lucid insight of the goals of the knighthood and the Knight's own position in the glorious plan.
The Blood Oath

The Blood Oath is simplistic: "Submit or die." When joining the knighthood, each knight unconditionally devotes his body and soul to the cause. All thoughts of self are engulfed, immersed. However, this does not mean that the knights cannot think for themselves, which rendered the forging of the Code.
The Code

The code is intricate in the extreme, yet refined and artistic in its detail. The austere, resolute accuracy of the Solamnic Knights' "Oath and Measure" had caused their long decline from the Age of Might, ending in their continuing weakness. Despite the fact that the Knights and their forces of good had emerged victorious, they were a long way from bringing peace and order to Ansalon.
Knowing all the flaws of all mortal creatures, Ariakan crafted a detailed set of laws that relate principally to military situations, but that also can be extended into the lives of each member of the knighthood. Strict adherence to the code is required, but each case is considered on its own merits, and exceptions can be made.
The Knights of Solamnia hold knightly councils to consider charges or alterations in their measure. Having sat through many of these councils, Ariakan determined them to be a waste of time, spent in endless arguing and bickering over trivial points of law and honour. Ariakan established his code so that there would be no need to argue fine points. The law was written. Violations were obvious and dealt with summarily.
However, he did recognize the need to be flexible, as occasion demanded, and so established a means by which an exception to the Code might be considered and either accepted or rejected on its own merits.
Unlike the Knights of Solamnia, Knights of Takhisis are allowed to lie, cheat, steal, and commit murder, as long as it can be proven to advance the vision.
Exceptions to the Code are adjudicated by a single knight adjudicator is generally reserved for knights of the 12th level or higher. The outward, visible sign of an adjudicator is a scepter, presented to the knight by Lord Ariakan himself. [However Ariakan is dead now] If the adjudicator decides that the Code has been broken and that no exception to the code may be permitted, punishment is meted out to the offender. Since a knight who violates the code is seen to have also violated the Vision and broken the blood oath, the punishment is usually death.
All executions are carried out by the advocate, or the knight's commander. Death is not seen as an end however but as a promotion for Takhisis is the Final judge. A knight may appeal the ruling once he has been executed; he may appeal to Takhisis to hear his or her plea. Takhisis has been known to send those wrongly executed back as undead knights to "correct the error."
The code is divided into three major precepts, which guide the three major orders of the knighthood. These are as follows:

The Lily: Independence breeds chaos. Submit and be strong.

The Skull: Death is patient. It flows both from without and from within. Be vigilant in all and skeptical of all.

The Thorn: One who follows the heart finds it will bleed. Feel nothing but victory.

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[The History]
[The Vision, Oath, and Code]
[The Test]
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