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The Poetry of...


Who is Andy Rollino? Well, I`m a writer/poet who graduated from the same school of life as Ernest Hemmingway. I believe that experience is the key to writing real poetry and works of fiction, and believe me, I`m well qualified in that department! I`m currently writing part time while I complete a Teaching Studies course at University. Hopefully, this is just the first page of a very long story...

The Kiss of the Apocalypse

I am the shadow, the man with no name.
They say I'm a loner who never will tame.
A lover of darkness and also of light,
I love the ocean and stars of the night.
The world is my heaven and also my hell.
I take it all in the sight, sound and smell.
But who am I really? You don't even know.
You've never been to the places I go.
To you I'm laid back, I don't seem to care,
when really my heart is full of despair.
I see the horror, the hurt and the pain,
the suffering of others uncleansed by the rain.
You think I don't see it. You think I am blind?
Just another clockwork toy you can wind.
I'm tired at times, legs stuck in a bog.
I just want to help but I'm lost in the fog.
But one day I know that my vision will clear.
I will dispel my own pain and fear.
And then at last you will all find,
I always had sight, I was never blind.
So I ask you all to stop and think,
or it might all be over before you can blink.
A chorus of voices projected from lips,
to avoid the kiss of the Apocalypse.

Sweet Oblivion!

It's dark. Maybe the world has ended?
Last night I was on a 12 hour bender!
I open one eye and see the sun.
Suddenly life isn't such fun.
Is this really my mouth?
The taste of death?
Atomic dustbin scented breath!
Am I dead?
No that is my wish.
My head is full of piranha fish!
Can I stand?
I'll try my best.
Let me have just one more rest.
My room is spinning,
my heart still beats,
and then I'm standing on my feet!
I make it to the toilet door.
That's where I hit the bathroom floor!
A few more hours and I'll be fine,
drinking bourbon, rum or wine.
A drunk, me? That's your opinion....
I'll just slip into sweet oblivion!

Do you see them?

See the child with bruises clear.
His voice is weak but do you hear?
Hurt at home and hit at school.
Life is hard son,
life is cruel.

See the child, her pain and fright.
Attacked by demons in the night.
Tearstained cheeks and tangled hair.
Her clothes are torn,
her feet are bare.

See the children, hear their plight.
Hit by day, abused by night.
Innocent as stars above.
Lost in silence,
starved of love.

See the child, she's all alone.
Beaten, tortured in her home.
You hear her cries yet hesitate.
She is gone,
you were too late.

This work is Copyright © 1999 by Andy Rollino.
It must not be copied without the expressed permission of the author.

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