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The Poetry Of...


Robert Parker-Munn

Robert describes himself as an "ancient 52 with beard and long hair baldishly outrageous"...whilst this, and his stunning self-portrait above, might conjure up images of Tolkein's Gandalf, there is little doubt that Rob is outrageously magical with his poetry. Hailing from Wales, Robert is clearly inspired by the land around him, justifying his claims of being "detoxed of all kinds of negative stuff". Also a musician as well as a painter, his creativity is plain to see...he even speaks Esparanto!
Should his poetry inspire you, his artwork is equally breath-taking, and can be viewed/bought at:
He also has also begun a joint poetry and art-showcasing website ( with another of our Poets, JayJay.
If I was to summarise Robert's poetry, I would invent the phrase - "environmentally inwardly contemplative!" Or I could simply call it a "must read":

Click here for full bio


i go back a long way,
many lives before this
and memories of the smell of ancient forests
still live in the conciousness
that survived rebirth. I remember
faces, too, before they changed and grew old
and passed, like mine, through portals
of time and energy.
We were so brave then, before we had to become isolate and ready to learn,
And to learn takes too long.
Where shall we ever be, when it can all be finished.
Who is to say?
In our maturity we should have stayed,
making ourselves out to be like Gods
only to be ravished by time.

Has not time taken all the real Gods?
Have they not all gone before anyway,
And isn't it their absence which makes them so perfect?

There is a tree growing on a hillside in Wales.
There will be the dawn tomorrow.
Pain and pleasure exist in life.
There are many truths.


I searched for you in the high roads where I had wandered,
I looked for you in the dazedness of my sadness
I sought you in the end of all I'd achieved,
and silence was the reply to all my begging.

The blue sky held jewels to its bosom,
but looked over me beyond to the sunset,
the stars ignored me in my solitude
and hunger was my comforter,
pain my consolation.

My life plays a crescendo with the spirit inside
I have little heed to Time and nothing to hide,
A face in the mirror still belongs to me,
Changes are everything that is now and to be.

Adversity Means Victory

the night is full of mischief, my darling,
and the wildness is so alive,
we wait like slaves to the torture,
but together we will survive,
I hear the giants growling,
their prowess beyond our ken,
and the vampire bats are howling,
yet we triumph again and again.
In the small church down by the river,
the cool breeze will fan our smiles
when we safely escape the terror
when we use all our cunning and wiles.
Now close are our minds and our dreams,
solid our pact to succeed,
soon we shall use all our schemes,
as imagination is freed.


the sky breathed heavily on the hushed earth in the
noontide sunshine
life was seriously present in the heart of everyone
wheels went round and space between changed
everything became randomly but definitely arranged
thought and dreams mixed as though of one kind
something to want became something to find
objectives realised once deemed beyond reach
expanded horizons in sight, touch, hearing and speech
with the odour of burnt brushwood in the air
and the feeling of wantedness, comfort and care,
so woke the spirit in the bosom of time
in a world free of pestilence, disease and crime.

Copyright © 2000 Robert Parker-Munn

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All work on this page is copyright © 2000 to Robert Parker-Munn,
all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced
without expressed permission from the author.

Has Rob's poetry inspired you? His artwork is equally breath-taking, and can be viewed/bought at:
(This will open up a new window so you don't even have to leave PP.)

All work submitted to Paramount Poetry is assumed to be
the original work of the author and PP can take no
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