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Welcome to the short stories page - the unbounded writing of Jonathan, the Paramount Poetry Website creator, the haunting, moving writing of Daniella Urshing, the conscience of evil from A.J. Reeve, A. Rollings' story which will melt even the stoniest heart, Steve Andrew's Knight Adventure, Lisa Guliani's amusing accounts and Christopher Murakami's tale of lost love, are our current short pieces, and well worth a read!
Want to join them? Send us your short stories!
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Short Stories Index:

JONATHAN: Paramount Poetry`s creator - controversial short stories here.
DANIELLA URSHING: An amazing short story which will haunt you, and comfort you...
A.J. REEVE: A gripping tale of 2 gunmen tackling crime their own way...but one of them is in two minds...
ANDY ROLLINO: This story WILL NOT FAIL to move anyone with a heart - P.P. Guarantee! Try it.
STEVE ANDREWS: A Tolkein-esque tale of Knights, mystery and adventure...
LISA GULIANI: Humourous & true to life, Lisa speaks to the reader with words you can't help but listen to!
CHRISTOPHER D. MURAKAMI: A tear-jerking tale of lost love in youth
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