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Short Story Submissions

If your field of creativity is more in the line of story writing, Paramount Poetry now offers
you the chance to create your own online story page too!

What we're looking for...

The type of short story we are looking for will be unique, imaginative, creative, fast-moving and perhaps with a twist.
In short pieces it is difficult to bring characters to life but we are looking for those that do, providing
punchy impact that will involve the reader for the short time.

How many words?

There are no strict guidelines, but generally we are looking for stories that are between 500 and 2500 words long.

Can I submit more than one?

Indeed! Whether we accept your previous efforts or not, we always welcome writers who regularly send their work to us - we like to see your development and remember, nobody ever got anywhere in this game without persistence! (I think I'm right in saying that T.S.Eliot's 'Wasteland' was rejected about 12 times!...not that we intend doing that to you!)

Take a look at the fiction already on the site by visiting the PP Stories Index here.

E-mail your short stories, within the content of the e-mail, or as an attached Word .doc file, to:

Address any Technical queries to:

Get creative...Get on PP!

Or search the web here:

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