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Short Stories

The Short Stories of...

Daniella Urshing

The Fire and the Chariot Driver - an autobiographical story.

My life began much the same as everyone elses. I was born, drove my parents crazy by insecent crying, grew up a bit went to playschool where I terrorised a coulpe of the lads, through a tantram when didn’t get my own why. Well on that part my partner would say that it’s nice to see that some things never change. As you can see I was your average run of the mill child, getting into all kinds of scrapes and trials. When I was about seven I used to visit a local farm and cattery where as you can probably imagine I did quite a lot of damage. The hay barn was a particular favourite of mine, as I would try to create a 3d labyrinth out of the bales, to the annoyance of the farmer and the great delight of his two sons and of course yours truely. Jumping forwards a few years we come to me as an adolescent. Yes I discovered the true meaning of men! The drama queen came out as I roamed the pubs and clubs of Derbyshire trying to be a suductive female that could ensure a few drinks and a good time by the end of the night . Unfortunately my ideas and fantasies rarely payed off as my inexperience some how would creep out of the closet and my chances would be dashed, this didn’t dissuade me until I turned 16. This was when I discovered the wonderful art of subtlety. I realised that this delicate and ingenius strategy could bring about many different results depending on how you used it. My life become full of opportunities. I took up amateur dramatics, this allowed me to express myself and change my personality at will. I could go from being a tart to a building site worker at the drop of a hat. My social side started to dominate I was doing a variety of extra curricular activities. Everything from skiing, scuba diving to gymnastics and judo seemed precedent. Until disaster GCSE’s came along. My socialite lifestyle had to be put on hold. Summer holidays abroad were a necessity in order to cope with the knowledge that school would always be looming and that was particularly true when the results were due. From this juncture I will say sixth form collage was a blast, but then it is often what you make it. Following that I decided to become a respectable member of the community and train to be a responsible person. Teacher Training college beckoned. I couldn’t believed that the tearaway child was going to conform to the views of society. I had to find some kind of release. The fruit of which you hopefully will view and appreciate. Many of which are based on personal experiences or feelings.

Now read the stories behind the person...

A Passage Through.

The long, gnarled fingers of trees, appeared to grapple at the hem of her soft pale skirt, as she moved slowly and precisely through the dark wood. Her long, ebony hair floated and danced with the wind. She stopped in a small clearing, and listened carefully. The breeze seemed to be speaking to her, a silent, hidden message just for her. The moonlight bathed her features in a pale blue light, that glowed, like a bright halo around her body; yet her face remained masked.

The rich autumn-coloured leaves brushed lightly across her bare, mud-stained feet, as she continued her silent wandering. Her movements and direction became more random as she traversed deeper in to the wood, darting from one tree to another, like a bumble bee in search of nectar. Her hands caressed the bark of each tree in turn as though they held some encoded message hidden within the grain. She continued this strange, yet mesmerising ritual until she came to the bottom of a waterfall. As she moved closer to the waters edge, the waterfall slowly began to freeze over, even though the air temperature hadn`t altered. The small pool at the bottom of the fall remained a clear watery pool, in to which the young woman stepped, unflinching.

She scraped her wrist, in a purposeful manner, across a nearby sharp rock, and turned to face the ice fall. She proceeded to move her wrist in an arch shape over the ice, creating a bloodstained rainbow in the glassy surface just above her head.

Suddenly the silence was destroyed by the thundering sound of the ice fall cracking down the centre. This strange phenomena began to shake and move in a violent way, before separating completely, like the parting of curtains. Yet she remained like a statue, in the middle of the pool.

When the ice curtains had stopped moving, the figure moved slowly yet surely through the revealed passage way. Once inside the passage, the rock closed behind her, and the sound of running water gradually returning could be heard overhead, as the ice melted outside. Her composure never changed, she remained as focussed as ever as she moved deeper in to the spiralling tunnel.

She seemed to be drawn by a light eminating from the centre of the earth. As she glided towards the light, shapes and shadows began to emerge, but she never faltered. These shadows soon became visible to her, and she found herself standing on the edge of Paradise, and at peace.

Copyright © 1999 by Daniella Urshing, all rights reserved.
This work may not be copied without the expressed permission of the author.

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PLUS! Check out her poetry! click here.

JONATHAN: My controversial short stories here.
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