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The McLeod's
from Willow, Alaska

Comments from Marissa McLeod(Anakim's Owner)
A Sleeping Bear X Pearl Pup

Hello Mr. Barrett,
Please forgive me for taking so long in getting this sent off to you. I hope you are your wife are doing well! After losing a goat to a bear last summer, I knew I had to do something about it. I immediately thought of a Great Pyrenees to guard my animals. I started searching the web for one but did not find a single site I was happy with. Two weeks after my search began, I came across Mr. Barrett’s site and knew I had struck Gold. I gave Mr. Barrett a call about a week later and he told me he had one male pup left out of Sleeping bear and Pearl. I had not planned on buying a dog in February because it is so cold here in AK during the winter months, but the more I thought about this pup, the more I knew I wanted him.
Anakim arrived the first week in February. The temperature was 20 which at the time seemed so cold for an 8 wk. old pup. But he has survived much colder weather since he came. The temperature has dropped to -20 and he does not even act the least bit cold! He gets along wonderfully with the goats. They all sleep together at night in a clump. He is very patient with them which is surprising to me; him only being a pup and all, not even four months old yet. He weighs a whopping 52 pounds!
I am very pleased with my purchase and I know he will grow up to be a wonderful livestock guarding dog! Thank you Mr. Barrett for selling me such a fabulous dog! I could not be happier with him!!!
Marissa Mcleod


Anakim at ten weeks old
playing in the snow.

Anakim at ten weeks old,
with his new owner Marissa.

Anakim at ten weeks old.

Anakim at ten weeks old,
again with Marissa.

Anakim loves Alaska and all that snow!

Anakim at ten weeks old
with his new goat charges.
Sleeping Bear X Pearl Pup.