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Monday, January 29, 2007

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Phishers rob Swedish accounts . News:- Phishers have robbed customers of Swedish bank Nordea of .1 million, says The ...


Phishers haul in money from Nordic bank | The Register

Phishing gangs have managed to steal about ?900,000 from accounts at Swedish bank Nordea since last autumn using a Trojan horse, according to Computer Sweden


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Swedish bank hit by 'biggest ever' online heist | CNET

Swedish bank hit by 'biggest ever' online heist | Phishing e-mails encouraged at least ... customer details on the real Nordea Web site to take money from customer accounts. According to McAfee , Swedish ...


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BBC NEWS | Business | Bank loses .1m to online fraud

... at Swedish bank ... bank Nordea. The theft, described by Swedish media as the world's biggest online fraud, took place over three months. The criminals siphoned money from customers' accounts after ...


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