They are calling it FREE TV that right!
Channel 7 Darwin also known as Southern Cross TV, DONT even know where The CITY of Palmerston is in The Northern Territory thy have been misreporting on and misrepresting our City for the past 7 years in which thy have also been falsely Advertising.
One would be forgiven in having been viewing our so called Australian TV Broadcasters into thinking that we live in the 58th state of the Union of the USA !.
" The Americanizing of our TV & Radio Stations is given our own Children the wrong values as Australians."
I would also ask WHY is there so much " American Tele Marketing TV programing " doing on Australian TV for in the first place and we wave the Australian Flag and call Australia home how absurd is that !.
Also what has to be noted here too now over many months is the fact that your
station keeps switching the on air video output standard of the Free to Air TV signal from the post standard transmission format in that your station has been switching on air to " letter box " and then to some " HD TV " and then back to standard transmission again.
If you are incapable of staying with in your allocated and gazzetted transmission standards I would suggest that you get some one in your station that can comply with ALL the Australian Communications & Media Authority posted standards of Transmission of the approved channel on which you are broadcasting on which is part of your licence requirement to do so in complying with all Australian Communications & Media Authority conditions...So why haven't you been doing so?.
Please feel free to read this page but read the copyright please.
If the few can convince so many that it was supposedly Iraq that attacked the USA in 9/11....then what chance have I got when telling the truth!.