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My List of Annie's Attic's Free Daily Patterns from March 1 - March 31, 2006

Annie's Attic:

Jan. - Feb. -
Mar. - Apr. - May - June - July - Aug. - Sept. - Oct. - Nov. - Dec

NOTE - FYI:  In the table below, Date is for the date the pattern was offered at AA's web site, FP is for web site (a Y for Yes at the site or a N for Not at the site), Source is the named source of the original pattern, Page #s are the pattern page numbers in the source, and the rest should be self-explanatory. N/A is for Not Applicable or (Information) Not Available. Abbreviations for the Sources are listed here and I did try to include a link whenever possible for where to purchase the original source(s) at the best/lowest price.

March 2006
Date FP Pattern Name
(Patterns preceded by an asterisk (*)
are available in PDF format.)
Designer Source Source Date Source Vol/No Page #s © Yr.
03/01/06 Y Piggyback
(Hen & Pig Decoration/Toy/Doll)

Michele Wilcox 101EZ 1999 N/A 124, 125 & 134 ©1999
03/02/06 N Irish Hearts Afghan Carol Alexander Crochet! March 2005 N/A 12, 13, 44, 45 & 46 ©2005
03/03/06 Y Butterflies in Flight Valance Updated!07/09/07 Hartmut Hass BBSCA 2004 N/A 76, 77 & 91 ©2004
03/04/06 Y Bed of Roses Filet Throw Updated!07/09/07 Glenda Winkleman Crochet! March 2004 N/A 22, 23 & 42 ©2004
03/05/06 Y Button-Up Baby Cardigan Updated!07/09/07 Melody MacDuffee 150WCP 2001 N/A 86-89 & 99 ©2001
03/06/06 Y Fishbowl Tissue Topper Updated!07/09/07 Beverly Mewhorter 150WCP 2001 N/A 40 & 41 ©2001
03/07/06 Y Irish Cream Tablecloth Updated!09/13/08 Mickie Akins 150WCP 101GS 2001 2004 N/A 78-79 & 103 ©2001 ©2004
3/07/06 Note from Cheryl about the Irish Cream Tablecloth pattern:  Some people in the Crochet Partners group have checked the book for the Irish Cream Tablecloth pattern. They said the above pattern was NOT in the book on the pages listed.
9/12/08 Update Note from Cheryl:  I think the correct source for this pattern is "101 Granny Squares, New Motifs for Contemporary Designs" by Carol Alexander. I am still trying to verify the information.
9/13/08 Update Note from Cheryl:  The correct source for this pattern is "101 Granny Squares, New Motifs for Contemporary Designs" by Carol Alexander and verified by Brenda Stratton and Shelia Dillingham. Thank you, Brenda & Shelia!
03/08/06 Y Baby Hat on a Roll Updated!07/09/07 Bonnie Bloom Pierce Crochet! March 2004 N/A 14 & 15 ©2004
03/09/06 Y Body Scrubby Duo
(Face cloth & Body scrubby)
Vicki Blizzard 150WCP 2001 N/A 54 & 55 ©2001
03/10/06 Y Happy Times Afghan Updated!07/09/07 Dot Drake 101EZ 1999 N/A 16 & 17 ©1999
03/11/06 Y Dainty Dishcloths Updated!07/09/07 Lucille LaFlamme 101EZ 1999 N/A 111-114 ©1999
03/12/06 N Fairy Princess Fashion Doll Beverly Mewhorter 150WCP 2001 N/A 122 & 123 ©2001
03/13/06 Y Mix-and-Match Outfits
(Baby sz. 6-12 mos.)
Carol Carlile CG2G 2002 N/A 115-117 ©2002
03/14/06 Y Spring Green Cardigan
(sizes Small, Med, Lg, XL, & 2XL) Updated!07/09/07
Margret Willson Crochet! May 2004 N/A 10, 11, & 47 ©2004
03/15/06 Y Irish Linen Edging
FYI - According to the copyright info available on the .pdf file for this pattern at FP, the pattern is from the March 2004 issue of Crochet! magazine on pages 30, 31, 44-46; copyright 2004, and designed by staff. Updated!07/09/07
Old Time Crochet Made Easy staff OTCMEZ 2001 N/A N/A ©2001
03/16/06 Y Wild Irish Rose Pillow Updated!07/09/07 Rose Pirrone BRC 2004 N/A 166, 167, & 173 ©2004
03/17/06 Y Irish Dreams Doily Updated!07/09/07 Ferosa Harold Crochet! March 2004 N/A 30, 31, 44-46 ©2004
03/18/06 N Blackberry Camisole
(sizes 28-30", 32-34", 36-38", & 40-42)
Cindy Adams for SWTC Crochet! March 2005 N/A 28 & 29 ©2005
03/19/06 Y Northern Reflections (Afghan and Pillow)
FYI - According to the copyright info available on the .pdf file for this pattern at, the pattern is from the Big Book of Scrap Crochet Projects book on pages 172, 173, & 188 and copyright is 2003.
Charlene Finiello Crochet! March 2005 N/A 28 & 29 ©2005
03/20/06 Y Leopold (Lion toy/doll) Updated!07/09/07 Angela Winger BRC 2004 N/A 130-132 ©2004
03/21/06 Y Desert Oasis (Afghan) Updated!07/09/07 Sandy Rideout BRC 2004 N/A 18, 19, & 35 ©2004
03/22/06 Y Shells & Lace Bookmark Updated!07/09/07 Brenda Stratton 150WCP 2001 N/A 43 ©2001
03/23/06 N Girls Night Out Bag Darla Sims Crochet! January 2005 N/A 40 & 41 ©2005
03/24/06 Y Lemon Drops Sweater Updated!07/09/07 Ann Smith BRC 2004 N/A 58-61 ©2004
03/25/06 Y Tomato Pincushion Updated!07/09/07 Michele Wilcox BBSCP 2004 N/A 117 & 129 ©2004
03/26/06 Y Rag Crochet Place Mats Updated!07/09/07 Linda Wellman Crochet! March 2004 N/A 36 & 37 ©2004
03/27/06 Y Tooth-Saver Pillow Updated!07/09/07 Debi Yorston CG2G 2002 N/A 125 ©2002
03/28/06 N Beaded Rope Belt Belinda "Bendy" Carter Crochet! Sept. 2005 N/A 42 ©2005
03/29/06 Y Floral Window Shade Trim Updated!07/09/07 Hélène Rush 101EZ 1999 N/A 34 & 35 ©1999
03/30/06 Y Little Angels
(Lamb & Pig Dolls/Ornaments)
Sandra Abbate 150WCP 2001 N/A 46 & 47 ©2001
03/31/06 Y Goldfish Bath Set
(Fish and Bubbles appliques)
Beverly Mewhorter CP2G 2002 N/A 148 & 149 ©2002

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Web page site and design created by Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Background courtesy of
Originally created 11 July 2006.