NOTE - FYI: In the table below, Date is for the date the pattern was offered at AA's web site, FP is for web site (a Y for Yes at the site or a N for Not at the site), Source is the named source of the original pattern, Page #s are the pattern page numbers in the source, and the rest should be self-explanatory. N/A is for Not Applicable or (Information) Not Available. Abbreviations for the Sources are listed here as well as links to designers' individual web sites/stores if known. I did try to include a link whenever possible for where to purchase the original source(s) at the best/lowest price.
I think that in order for any of the links under Pattern Name in the table below to work correctly, you must be a member of and logged into it. I have set the links to open up in a new browser window at the web site. (If you aren't already a member, you may want to join - membership is FREE.) I did NOT place a link to a download of any pattern as I thought it would be better to leave the choice up to you and also did not want to have any problems regarding copyright(s). Please remember that the patterns at are in .pdf file format so you do need to have Adobe Reader or another .pdf file reader program available to open the files.
Date | FP | Pattern Name (Patterns preceded by an asterisk (*) are available in PDF format.) |
Designer | Source | Source Date | Source Vol/No | Page #s | © Yr. |
07/01/06 | Y | * Patriotic Pin (Choose the 1st pin pattern for cro-tat version) 07/08/07 |
Darla Hassell - Annie's Attic & The Needlecraft Shop |
AA | 2001 | N/A | N/A | ©2001 |
07/02/06 | Y | * Stars and Stripes Bookmark 07/08/07 | Diane Poellot | AFC | August 2002 | No. 118 | 18-19 | ©2002 |
07/03/06 | Y | * Independence Fashion Doll Outfit 07/08/07 | Beverly Mewhorter | AFC | 1999 | No. 106 | 20-21 | ©1999 |
07/04/06 | Y | * Stars and Stripes (Flag) 07/08/07 | Faye Kumara | AA | 1991 | N/A FONT> | N/A | ©1991 |
07/05/06 | Y | * Pink Blush Doily 07/08/07 | Judy Teague Treece | CH | 1997 | No. 61 | 23 | ©1997 |
07/06/06 | Y | * Striped Ripple Afghan 07/08/07 | Diane Poellot | OTC | Summer 2001 | Vol. 23 No.2 | 38 & 39 | ©2001 |
07/07/06 | Y | * River Rock Jewelry 07/08/07 | Jennifer McClain | Crochet! | Sept. 2002 | Vol.15 No. 5 | 16-17, 58-60 | ©2002 |
07/08/06 | Y | * Pineapple Rainbow Runner 07/08/07 | Zelda Workman | CD | Spring 2000 | N/A | 14-16 | ©2000 |
07/09/06 | Y | * Baby Sunsuit (Sizes 0-3 mos, 3-6 mos, 6-9 mos) 07/08/07 |
Sandra Miller Maxfield & Susie Spier Maxfield |
CH | 1997 | No. 60 | 46 | ©1997 |
07/10/06 | Y | * Hairpin Lace Stole 07/08/07 | Old-Time Crochet staff | OTC | Winter 1997 | Vol 19, No. 4 | 17-19 | ©1997 |
07/11/06 | Y | * Tabletop Charm (Table Topper/Tablecloth) 07/08/07 | Josie Rabier | Crochet! | Jan. 2003 | Vol. 16 No. 1 | 32-33, 59-61 | ©2003 |
07/12/06 | Y | * Primarily Country Afghan 07/08/07 | Martha Brooks Stein | CN | 1997 | No. 87 | 13 | ©1997 |
07/13/06 | Y | * Cow-in-a-Milk-Can Doorstop 07/08/07 | Jocelyn Sass | CW | 1997 | Vol 20 | 18 | ©1997 |
07/14/06 | Y | * Antique Scalloped Doily 07/08/07 | Zelda Workman | CD | 1997 | Vol 17, No. 3 | 36, 37, 43 | ©1997 |
07/15/06 | Y | * Mile-a-Minute Cotton Throw | Melissa Leapman | OTC | Summer 2002 | Vol. 24 No. 2 | 6 | ©2002 |
07/16/06 | Y | * Between-Meal Centerpiece (Doily) |
Old-Time Crochet staff | OTC | Winter 1997 | Vol 19, No. 4 | 23 | ©1997 |
07/17/06 | Y | * Playtime Baby Doll (Toy/Doll) |
Nancy Sharkey | CD | 1996 | Vol 16 | 21 | ©1996 |
07/18/06 | Y | * Touch of Style (White Summer Top/cover-up) 07/18/07 |
Lucille LaFlamme | CW | August 2001 | Vol. 24, No. 4 | 8 & 17 | ©2001 |
07/19/06 | Y | * New Shoes (Baby Booties) |
Sandra Evan | C2G | 1997 | No. 106 | 30 | ©1997 |
07/20/06 | Y | * Arabesque Afghan 07/20/07 |
Eileen Ray | CW | 1997 | No. 4, Vol. 20 | 38 & 39 | ©1997 |
07/21/06 | Y | * Flower Scrubbies | Denise Rothberg | AFC | Oct. 2002 | No. 119 | 22-23 | ©2002 |
07/22/06 | Y | * Lone Star Jar Toppers | Susan Jeske | CHH | July 2001 | No. 83 | 10-12 | ©2001 |
07/23/06 | Y | * Crocheted Crib Cover | Jeannine LaRoche | CHH | Nov. 2000 | Issue No. 79 | N/A | ©2000 |
07/24/06 | Y | * Watermelon Place Mat Set 07/24/07 |
Nanette Seale | QEPC | 1997 | No. 105 | 44 | ©1997 |
07/25/06 | Y | * Small Pineapple Doily 07/08/07 | Michelle Prieto | CW | 1997 | Vol 20 | 31 | ©1997 |
07/26/06 | Y | * Pretty Daisies Barrette 07/27/07 |
Leann Walters | CD | 1996 | Vol 16 | 41 | ©1996 |
07/27/06 | Y | * Grandmother's Zinnia Afghan 07/27/07 |
Violette Kraft | CN | 1997 | No. 90 | 19 | ©1997 |
07/28/06 | Y | * Polish Star Pot Holders 07/27/07 | Dot Drake | AFC | August 2001 | No. 112 | 44-46 | ©2001 |
07/29/06 | Y | * Creepy Crawlies 07/27/07 | Stephen Reedy | C2G | 1997 | No. 107 | 39 | ©1997 |
07/30/06 | Y | * Les Fleurs Doily 07/08/07 | Dot Drake | CD | 1998 | Vol 18 | 10 | ©1998 |
07/31/06 | Y | * Citrus Punch Handbag 07/27/07 |
Nancy Nehring | AFC | June 2005 | Vol. 23, No. 3 | 14-16 | ©2005 |
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Web page site and design created by Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Background courtesy of
Originally created 11 July 2006.