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(Please know that I do not endorse the's just something one must endure to keep the world "free" LOL)
crochet mouse Twisted Stitch crochet mouse

Twisted Stitch
Twisted thumbnail
Multiple of 10 sts + 11.

Note:  To work Twisted Basic Afghan Stitch (TwBAS) =
1) Insert hook into stitch from left to right.
2) YO and draw loop through.
3) Finish stitch with basic return row.

Row 1:  Using A, BAS.

Row 2:  With 1 loop on hook, 1 Purl (p) into next st, 1 BAS into each of the next 2 sts, * 1 TwBAS into next st, 1 BAS into next st, 1 TwBAS into next st, 1 p into next st, (1 BAS into next st, 1 p into next st) twice, 1 BAS into each of next 2 sts; rep from * to last 7 sts, 1 TwBAS into next st, (1 p into next st, 1BAS into next st) twice. Return.

Row 3:  With 1 loop on hook, 1 BAS into next st, 1 p into next st, 1 BAS into next st, *(1 TwBAS into next st, 1 BAS into next st) twice, (1 p into next st, 1 BAS into next st) 3 times; rep from * to last 7 sts, (1 TwBAS into next st, 1 BAS into next st) twice. 1 p into the next st, 1 BAS into next st, 1 p into last.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 for pattern.

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(Please know that I do not endorse the's just something one must endure to keep the world "free" LOL)