[^^home] [HYPER-SPACE (mfg'g spec's)] [Q/T-i] **[Enter the ICONOSPHERE zix-42]**Welcome to our Factory Floor (HyperSpace UltraStructure)
-[Promenade - Museum Tube]- [Start here] [map] **[Enter the ICONOSPHERE zix-42]** NOTE: This is release version 0.1.2 of the Iconosphere, updates will be made regularly. NOTE: this site is the MOST updated copy of the zix (now in relase email: fleeding AT hotmail DOT com Quick link to the -[PDE]- (Public Domain Encycopedia) we appologise for See also: -[Sciece Fiction (lit/films/futurism/etc)]- the inconvenience(s) - (the management) myspace blog and on-line stuff: -[www.myspace.com/iconospherezix]- all updates posted -[Appologies here & other iconospherics]- Ab Fr \ / +----------------+ /| /| / | / | / | / | Fu / | / | \ / | / | +----------------+--Hu | This iconosphere owes much of its | | "RS-3" | | existence to Phillip Glass:Symph #3 & #2. | Jz--+----------|-----+ | / | / \ | / | / Sc | / | / | / | / |/ |/ +----------------+ / \ Sp Ar "Reality Structure 3" (mark II) [About] -[Release Notes, Design Spec, etc]- [Start Here] -[Iconospher DOC]- (word) -6_- Of these symmetries, one is struck by the pan dualities of the Platonic solids of which there are five: Icosahedron (20 triangles) <==> Dodecahedron (12 pentagons) Cube (6 squares) <==> Octahedron (8 triangles) Tetrahedron (4 triangles) - self dual Only the tetrahedron is self-dual and yet we persist in thinking only in dyads and triads. -- "The Architecture of Thought" by Brother Abelard in "Monkish Moods", 2055 edition. Note: Many of the object on the RIGHT below, do not yet work. But there are over 700 different pages in the system. (You know me: Build the card catalog before there are even any books on the shelves)... Use the "start here" above, or -[MA Index]- (eventually a master index...Various Introductions [AFFH-JASS]
[Absurdist] [\ab\] [Fractalist] [\fr\] [Futurist] [\fu\] [Humanist] [\hu\] [z^] [Jazzist] [\jz\] [Artist] [\ar\] [Scientist] [\sc\] [Spiritualist] [\sp\]