Submission Guidelines
Publishing with JGBI

Publication of accepted articles happens at no charge to the authors.

Once published, the journal contents will be available through ProQuest, EBSCO-host and other derivative research resources.

If authors would like hard copies of the journal in which their article was published, there will be a small fee charged for printing and shipping.

Subscription rates:

  • For institutions, agencies, and libraries $80.00 in the United States; $100.00 in Canada and Mexico, $120.00 in the rest of the world.
  • For individuals, $60.00 in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and $80.00 in the rest of the world.
  • Single-issue price: $20.00 for institutions, and for individuals.
  • For students: $50.00 per year, and $15.00 per single issue.

To ensure correct and prompt delivery, all orders must give either the name of an individual or an official purchase order number.

SUBSCRIPTION ORDERS and EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE may be sent via e-mail to the editor,
Dr. Joan Marques, at

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