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The Story of John Alconcher’s Life

A real man doesn't do anything to replace his identity


  His Parents
Long before you were conceived by your parents, you were conceived in the mind of God
   Fel- An John Alconcher is the eldest son of Mr. Justino Alconcher & Mrs. Clarita Alconcher. Fel-An John was often called John as his nickname.
  About His Family
   John came from poor family; father is a farmer while her mother is a housekeeper. The source of their living is the field & depends on their harvest. Sometimes their harvest is good enough for their daily needs & other expenses; they gained money by selling the other portion of the harvest while the other part is their daily food. John was being mold by hardships since in his very young age. At the age of 5 he goes to the field together with his father because he is very eager to go in the field. It was being inculcated in his mind how difficult to be a farmer. It needs patient, perseverance & a lot of efforts to have a great harvest.
  His Education
(James 1:5-6) If any of you lacks wisdom,he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea,blown and tossed by the wind.
   His family was very pursuant in sending him in school for his good future. John is very ambitious boy despite of being poor. He believes that being poor is not the reason to succeed but the reason to go further in life.

a)  primary
(Jerimiah 29:11)For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD , "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
   His parents enrolled him at Capannikian Elementary School (Pudtol Apayao) as a Grade 1. He is very excited in the first day of school. Just his instinct he woke up early in the morning to cook for rice. After he drinks his coffee he will then clean the piggery and feed the pigs while his father is preparing the other food for him. John was caring his grandfather’s pigs, John is doing this task before (John was 7 yrs. Old then. After that he will eat his breakfast and prepare himself in going to school. His school was near in their house, it is a walking distance. When their recess came he go back to their house for his merienda & to see the piggery was clean and taking bath the pigs. John became a responsible person at his young age; his destination was in the house, field & school. After his classes he go home immediately. He lives in his grandparents’ house (father side) together with his family. His grandparent and his parents were very strict to him. John wasn’t able to play with his playmates, hi played by himself alone in their backyard. His Lolo don’t allow him to waste his time in playing, they don’t even allow him to go in the field his father but John run away when His Lolo is not around he go in the field to help his father.

a)  secondary
   His parents enrolled him at Capannikian Elementary School (Pudtol Apayao) as a Grade 1. He is very excited in the first day of school. Just his instinct he woke up early in the morning to cook for rice. After he drinks his coffee he will then clean the piggery and feed the pigs while his father is preparing the other food for him. John was caring his grandfather’s pigs, John is doing this task before (John was 7 yrs. Old then. After that he will eat his breakfast and prepare himself in going to school. His school was near in their house, it is a walking distance. When their recess came he go back to their house for his merienda & to see the piggery was clean and taking bath the pigs. John became a responsible person at his young age; his destination was in the house, field & school. After his classes he go home immediately. He lives in his grandparents’ house (father side) together with his family. His grandparent and his parents were very strict to him. John wasn’t able to play with his playmates, hi played by himself alone in their backyard. His Lolo don’t allow him to waste his time in playing, they don’t even allow him to go in the field his father but John run away when His Lolo is not around he go in the field to help his father.
(James 1:2-4)Consider it pure joy, my dear brothers, when whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finished its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
   But his family got troubled then, his aunties and uncles (father side) felt envy and jealous to his father because John and his family lived at his grandparents’ house but John’s father is the one is working with the survival of his father and mother before together with John’s family. His father don’t want to a big troubled with his brothers and sisters, and John’s father do not want that john and the whole family will include and affected, so they transferred again @ Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte and John continue his studies at Nueva Era National High School. John was being affected to the problem that they had been encountered in life; he saw the gap between to his father and his uncles and aunties since he was young, even his studies was also affected and John was not able to excel in his studies then. His school was about 2-3 km. from their house. There are times that John walked to go to school because his family was in scarcity in financial needs. During weekdays he will plant rice during farming season to gained money for his allowance and to help his family also. John has that faith in his heart that he will finish his studies in high school.
   He graduated high school in April 2003 and awarded as the most industrious student of the year.

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Last updated: Sept. 13, 2006