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creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training

exploring the space and beyond
exploring the space beyond, discovering new things that make a difference...

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About This Site

    Welcome to my Page, This is my simple Personal Webpage.
I made this page as our requirements in Internet and Web
Technology 3. Putting into reality of what we have learned in the concept about the Internet.
My page aims to entertain anyone who will visit it.

1. To create and manage website.
2. To show individual's creativeness in designing websites.
3. To enhance and develop individual’s skills in the field of web designing.

The Computer World

    We live today at the dawn of Information Age. A time when the global village concept is rapidly becoming a reality which provides humankind with many exciting opportunities. Realizing these opportunities requires making head way and fuelling demand in the different networked information systems from all sectors of the economy-communication, education, entertainment, healthcare, financial services, publishing, retailing, and other areas.
    The Internet become as one of the most important tool of making the mankind to experience the essence in living in the computer world.
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Last updated: Sept. 13, 2006