In January 2007, the Iowa Department of Education awarded the
Okoboji School District $103,000 to begin implementing a one laptop
per child initiative. This was the largest of six grants made. The
six winners were selected from among approx. 75 applications
WINNER: We work for private as well as
public schools. Over Summer 2005, we won a $420,000 government grant
enabling Bnos Menachem School to operate a pre-kindergarten serving
32 low-income girls in Brooklyn, NY. Bnos Menachem is an innovative,
mid-size school serving children from nursery through high school.
It serves children from the Orthodox Jewish community of Crown
WINNER: “Spears
and Computers” was funded with a $3 million grant awarded by the
Native American Cultural Education program of the U. S. Department
Education. The grant is being used by the North Slope School
District on Alaska’s Arctic Coast to use cutting-edge technologies
to teach skills such as whale hunting, Inupiat Eskimo language and
dance to students scattered in isolated villages along a 700-mile
wide swath of Arctic wilderness.
WINNER: 21st Century Community Education Center. This
nearly $500,000 grant is enabling a small Midwestern school district
to turn its three schools into extended-day Learning centers for
everyone from preschoolers to seniors. We have won five 21st Century
grants in three states.
WINNER: Even Start Family Literacy Grant. Another
grant of nearly $500,000 this year for the same rural district
supports an intergenerational literacy and parenting skills program.
This is our second Even Start winner.
WINNER: Three U. S. Department of Commerce Public
Telecommunication Facilities Program Grants. All three of our
efforts proved fruitful! PTFP is the agency that makes federal
grants to public radio and TV stations. It has a little-known
set aside for non-broadcast applications, which refers to distance
learning. We have won $565,000 for a South Dakota consortium,
$375,000 for a consortium in Nebraska, and $309.000 for one in
WINNER: A $9 million Star Schools grant to connect
nearly 100 schools and colleges in
Nebraska and Kansas! Only six of 45 proposals were funded. Our
largest grant win ever!
WINNER: Technology Innovation Challenge Grant for $6
million. Only 19 of 697 applications were funded!
WINNER: Six Technology Literacy Challenge fund grants
in eight attempts, totaling $240,000, for school districts to
acquire student tracking software and implement the fantastically
successful Generation Y program!
WINNER: Nine Rural Utilities Service distance learning
grants in six states, including two first place finishers. Since
1994, we have won nine out of eleven RUS applications, raising more
than $3 million.
WINNER: Four School-to-Work grants, as well as three
Tech-Prep grants!
WINNER: Three Nebraska State Lottery Education
Innovation Fund grants
totaling over $4 million!
WINNER: Two Goals 2000 grants to upgrade school
Internet and Web access!
WINNER: Minnesota Technology Transformation Grant. Our
$244,160 proposal was funded in full, an amount twice that of the
second highest grant in this competition.
WINNER: Numerous private foundation grants, including
three from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, most recently $60,000
in 2004 for a Polk City library to be shared by the public and the
elementary school.
WINNER: More than 100 other grants, for the
educational community!
Plan Now For 2007
Federal and state grant competitions for 2007
are coming up soon!
This is the time to go after your share. We have the capacity to
provide high-quality comprehensive grant consulting services to
several additional forward-looking clients. Let us show you how our
team of grant professionals can help your district win money in
today’s highly competitive climate.