Gaia i.e. the healthy biosphere is All Your Dreams Come True
Meeting all needs at the same time
Gaia is the perfect arrangement for us. It meets all our needs at the same time, because that’s the kind of life which we are adabted to: that’s what gives us most happiness and best functioning in everything!
A human being with one's needs, instincts and likings, together with the human society and the world at large, are created by the natural evolution to work together as a harmonious unified whole.
Meeting different needs supports the functioning of the whole when part after part is put to its correct place in the system.
The more needs are met, the better the system functions harmonically together and the happier, the stronger and the more intelligent we become.
Justice and other needs of the world, the society and their members are included in this.
Increasing health in one's own life helps to increase health in the environment
and is so good for the society and the world at large.
Correcting things always toward good
makes the different functions support each other.
Hannele Tervola, Espoo, Finland, EU
Also my theory is somewhat like "all your dreams come true": whatever dream you have, it is propably either an achievement of some kind or happiness that you dream about. Getting them both at the same time, like healthy natural life which supports your capacity and gives you happiness, should make you satisfied, whatever your dream is - as long as you do not dream unnatural dreams of meaningless destruction.
My Favorite Web sites
The world is of love
Thinking handles the artificialities
The great song of life
Healthy natural ways of living give enlightenment
Healthy social life