Emotional and objective


How to be completely emotional and consequently also totally objective:

Follow your feelings fully, giving them enough room. Pay attention to feelings and atmospheres, to the landscape that they form.
Use your picture of the world as a map about where you are at each moment in each thing. You can recognize things based on feelings, atmospheres and other features,
using a single picture of the world (like in the sciences), of life (+time and personal experience). That is all that you need.
You can form partial wholes of things that share the same feature:
the same happening, the same person that you know, the same kind of feeling in your experience, the same important thing in your life,...

Form a holistic view about what you feel and about what the world is like. Take causes and consequences into account and give things their correct emphazis (i.e. what common sense says) according to their size class and importance. Recognizing things as phenomena - compare to the society agreement: children, free time, catastrophes,.. - helps to find the correct emphazis for each class of things.

This way one can be completely objective in one's actions at the same time as being completely emotional in one's actions.

Do not lock your stomack muscles: it is the point here to be emotional (like a professional singer might be).

This way you can be extremely emotional at the same time as objective:
a good skill to have always if you want or need to give room to emotions and/or to stay objective when emotional for any reason - also in emergencies (when you are overwhelmed by fear or disgust but need to notice everything and think and act clearly and quickly), maybe also in an overly sexual situation if you want to avoid pregnancy or getting a disease, etc.

Just flow toward the direction of your strongest feelings while noticing clearly what the landscape that you are in is like.

Objectivity does not demand a view separate of and not coloured by your feelings as long as you do not lie to yourself about how things are.

Hannele Tervola, Espoo, Finland, Europe


Fear can make your performance better
A natural holistic view of the world
The rationality of feelings
The base of objective thinking is in sensations, in ordinary perceptions
Feelings, atmospheres and objective thinking
Increasing the understanding of another person very quickly
Avoid confused thinking and confused glance

Email: KaisaHanneleTervola@webinfo.fi