Increasing understanding
Humans have a natural mode for hearing and seeing: concentrating on those senses. Similaröly there is a natural mode for thinking. The natural best mode for thinking is nerar the natural best mode for seeing and doing manual labour. So if you want to get someone to understand something clearly – be it a drunkard, a non-educated person, a stupid one or whoever – you must yourself use clearly a mode that is concentrated on seeing and using the hands so that the other one will copy the right mode for thinking naturally as he or she is social with you and consequently understand much better what you communicate clearly to him or her. Here the trick is to see in one’s mind’s eye very concretically the thing to think about and to understand and to watch at it lively like when doing handicrafts or other kinds of manual labour.
Remember that to get the best effect or any effect at all the other one needs to be looking at you. There is some effect over the phone too but it is much smaller.
The natural modes and learning talents
Avoid confused thinking
The base of thinking