All that people do is for moral


Since everything is based on the healthy and we are pack animals by nature, parts of the Gaia paradise (= the healthy biosphere, in my texts) even, you can think that everything that you do in good health is in essence moral or for moral. It is lack of skill and understanding plus the thought errors, which cause that the end result isn't always moral at all.

This is a new point of view: you will need to practise it, it is a skill, before you learn it, I guess. But it may be so with the other thoughts of this book too...

How to find out how your deeds are moral: find the place of those things in the Gaia paradise, in the completely healthy world, which is completely natural too. Like: the army is for defence against evil. In this you need to divide human action to its basic components like in the text Fulfilling dreams.

Kahlil Gibran (a famous writer from Lebanon): “When you work, you fulfil the part of the most far away dream of the Earth which was ordered to you already when the dream was born.”
Gaia for Gaia

Just find the healthy form of all of your deeds, and of the deeds of others, from the point of view of the whole world (This is a skill.): the way that you repair the world toward full health and help to keep it flourishing where it already is healthy. Like for example, searching for happiness is a way to search for healthy happy ways of living as a part of the wholes that you belong to, the biggest of them the healthy world. The rule "Live and let others live!" makes typically others happy too. If you find the right chord in living, you can serve as an example to others too and so help to cure the world.

All mentally healthy people are moral, says the Finnish speaking culture of Finland. This moral is described in the following way: Completely healthy people have a healthy understanding, so that they treat big matters as big and everything according to what it is like. So they choose the best course of action in the large scale matters and carry responsibility about them. They also carry responsibility about their own life and about the big matters in the lives of others. The feelings of compassion toward all living beings, which the Finnish speaking culture of Finland says that all healthy humans have, are another reason for carryung responsibility about the fate of the world at large with its masses of people and other living beings and for carrying responsibility about the lives of others. A healthy person also has a healthy emotional life and so cares well for oneself too and is quite indipendent in one's understanding and ways.
A perdson who does not qualify by this standard,is classified not fully mentally healthy and rational. A person who is dangerous compared to the healthy ones is classified dangerously irrational, selfish, short-sighted, and also insane if absurbly irrationally irresponsible about big matters about which one is responsible. (So the Finnish concept of mental illness doesn't refer to a disease but to a dangerous irresponsibility.)

Hannele Tervola, Finland, EU

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