Gaia i.e. the healthy natural biosphere

In competition those who cooperate do better than the same kind of ones who don't.
So during the evolution those who didn't ally as much as possible were much more likely to drop away than those who allied. That resulted in an evolution toward complex interconnected wholes in the large scales:
individuals consisting of many cells, packs, ecosystems and maybe larger wholes and even Gaia.

Hannele Tervola, Finland, European Union


Gaia, the Mother Earth, a global symbiosis, all living beings being one, a world filled with love, is the most beautiful world that one can imagine. It is so beautiful that it is hard to believe in its existence. Still, it is in our nature. Gaia is our true nature. That is inevitable because of the evolution just had to shape us so, like I seek to show in the following.

But to begin with, the Gaia ideal sounds like a fairy tale to us. How to make any fairy tale rational? Divide in into the things which in it touch our feelings. Typically all these phenomena touch our feelings because they are important as real phenomenoms in he world that we live in. Like if you divide so the Gaia dream, you get the following list: the healthy biosphere, carrying responsibility, love, friendship, peace, happiness, unfractured nature, etc. All these beautiful things are directions to aim at in our lives, in the reality. The healthy biosphere is what we will concentrate in the following.

What is healthy? It is the fittest arrangement produced by the evolution and things near it. This health had to stay from generation to generation in order to the species to survive. So the forces produced by the evolution, the forces in our nature, in other words feelings and instincts, (Understanding gives us just a mao of the world, not directions to go to.) just had to guide us toward better survival, toward the full health. That means the health of the individual, the health of its society and even the health of its living environment. Since only with all those in a good shape are the possibilities of future survival best. So the feelings had to guide us toward the full health of the world, of the whole living environment: of the biosphere.
And when healthy, feelings had to keep us healthy, tie us to the full health of the world and its practises. So the healthy world had to be full of tying feelings: full of love and happiness.
And there had to be no repelling feelings in the state of full health: no suffering, pain, fear or hate � except toward the non-healthy things that were present either as possibilities or as realities. Otherwise the world would not have stayed healthy. Other strategies would have won in the competition: those who counted on the health of everything, those whose feelings guided them toward the best survival ability and so toward the safest possible future.
In other words, the healthy biosphere is by definition the best possible arrangement in regard for future survival. And at the same time it is a global paradise, a world of eternal bliss for its inhabitants, something higher than we can even dream of. And so our all feelings guide toward it.
Just sometimes, our thinking is partly mistaken and that�s why we do not live in the paradise, in a fully healthy Gaia. Any more, a long time ago we did. And since Gaia is the best alternative in the modern competition too, we one day will live in a fully healthy Gaia again�
Gaia is full of strategies of life, some of which are good and others of which have to be dropped away by the force of predators, illsesses and avoided via suffering. These evil sounding things in fact do a beautiful work as the gardeners of the Gaia paradise, ensuring a good future for us all even if the living conditions do change. That is what saves us all. This does not mean that we should sacrifice anyone against justice: we can protect the weak who by being good caring pack animals have deserved the right to be protected. Only those who fail this test of belonging to a pack, i.e. the very evil ones, are left without the protection of the society and soon die away in Gaia, to a relief of those who are left behind. Harsh, yet realistic:
What would be a better paradise to live in than the most beautiful possible world which is also the winner in the strongest one wins competition?! The most paradise like paradise of all paradises, the one and only correct answer to our nature�s call� Which will also stay such forever! Gaia! I.e. the healthy biosphere.

Hannele Tervola


Gaia is All Your Dreams Come True
A Gaia story: Gaia and a superhypercomputer, how the world could be saved
My own Gaia theory solves the problem of predators in Gaia
Love is everywhere (the paradise wins page)
The dancing meadow
Intelligent animals
Suffering and Gaia
The rationality of feelings
The value of ideals
The road back to Gaia
The Gaia direction: when humans and the nature were one
Defending Gaia
The great song of life
A generalisation of Lovelock's Daisyworld example
The rationality of imagination
Sight and thinking ability connect, so predators may eat just the unmoral ones
Nature picture video
Evolution brings cooperation
The Gaia Mind
Learning in the Gaia's way (in the context of sexuality)
More of my Gaia pages
