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There are currently three different forms of advertising with Stripped Paintball Entertainment.  The first and cheapest being the website ads.  The cheapest of the website ads is a simple logo underneath the Headlines scroll.  The more expensive of the website ads would of course be the large side bar ad that you see on the right.  The second is the free digital magazine ads, the most expensive being, obviously, a full-page, then a half page, and the side bar and banner ad are the same price.  I am currently under the impression that the digital magazine ads are the most and will become a leading force in the magazine ad business.  Why you ask?,  because it's digital, meaning we have no printings costs, which gives us the ability to distribute it at absolutely no cost, which give us an unlimited amount of possible subscribers.  We are hoping that by the 2nd year of releases that we have a fan base of over 90% of the paintball community.  The third and final way of advertising, for now, is in our video coverage of the events.  The cheapest would be just a basic commercial for your company which will be dispersed throughout the video, once maybe twice depending on the length of the video and how many commercials we have.  The more expensive of the video advertising would be a spot light, which is basically your companies chance to explain a new product and throw out a sales pitch that will reach a much greater audience.  For more information and pricing please contact