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  Stripped Paintball Entertainment is currently in its start up stages and not fully executed yet.  It should completely up and running by March of 2007, well at least that's what we are hoping for. 

  The company is currently based out of Boston and believe it or not, run by an 18 year old college student looking to make a difference in the way people view paintball today.  Disregarding the fact that he is 18, many see great devotion and dedication in this heart filled young man that he will be able to take whatever it is that needs to be done to make this company possible.

  The company itself is divided into 3 parts, the simplest part being the free website headlines.  The headlines are just up to date information about what is going on in our sport because, as all paintballers know, we like to know what's going on in our community.  The second would be a free digital magazine which includes articles, action shots, interviews, etc.  The 3rd and final aspect of the company is a video company, similar to that of or, but we are going for a much more professional edge.

   Stripped Paintball Entertainment is striving to be the next media super power in the paintball world.