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Season 4 ended on a train carrying a bomb Ethan placed in it.

Miss Parker and Jarod help Ethan, their half-brother, and jump out of the train before the huge explosion.



Jarod's first day at the Center. This one's only been with us 36 hours and has already demonstrated more talent than any of our others.

Miss Parker is stuck in a fire, and she sees her mother who comes and rescues her.

She comes back to reality and explains to Sydney it was not a dream.

In the meantime, Ethan watches DSA's of Jarod's life. That wakes Jarod up. 188 channels and nothing on TV? Ethan and Jarod talk about their lives, their mothers, Miss Parker, when suddenly, in the news, they hear about the explosion in the DC underground a week ago. Ethan tells Jarod Miss Parker made it, his inner sense told him. She's safe. Then we won't be, Jarod said.

Just then, a newsflash about an undercover NSA agent who was shot. Agent Edward Ballinger. Jarod knows him, he was a Pretender too, they escaped that same night from the Centre.

Miss Parker is looking for her father, who seems to be missing. At his place, she finds a DSA, the last conversation she had with Raines, just before her father shot him. She presses the redial key on the phone to find out who her father was calling before he disappeared. "This is Lyle…"

She goes to talk to her brother, who says he knows nothing about their father. He'll come back, he always does. Lyle asks Miss Parker if she hasn't heard anything. Not even any voices? Why don't you take your 9 fingers and shove them when the sun don't shine? Lyle answers he'd still have one to get tanned and shows them his thumb. You got a new thumb? Broots asks? He replied Raines didn't need it anymore.

Jarod introduces himself to Agent Zane, from the NSA. Ballinger's partner. He's Special Agent Morse, sent it to help them find who tried to kill Ballinger.

Parker talks to Sydney about her visions.

Agent Zane explains the situation to Jarod, Eddie was working on the Chameleon case. The Chameleon calls himself that because he can be anyone that he wants to be. He already killed 4 people and they need to know who the 5 th will be before it's too late. All they know so far is that it's "someone important to your world".

A tip leads Jarod and Zane to a lair, supposedly the Chameleon's. They find a clown going round and a few tips left behind.

Jarod picks up the pictures, on which he appears, before Zane sees them.

Sydney agrees to help Miss Parker understand what her dream is about.

She listens to the voices, and all she can hear is TT … Then Jarod, on a video phone call with Sydney and Miss Parker asks them about the pictures he found. At the same time Ethan hears the same voices, saying the same TT. Jarod and Miss Parker will try to find out what TT means.

Jarod and his NSA team hear about Ballinger being out of coma and rush to the hospital to talk to him. Before then, Zane didn't know that Agents Morse and Ballinger knew each other. She's surprised to see Eddie recognize Jarod, and they explained to her they knew each other from the Centre. Jarod shows him a picture of his family. Ballinger says there's nothing more important than family. Just then a chopper appears and someone shoots at them. Ballinger dies, after Jarod asks him if he saw the Chameleon, and if TT means something to him. He said he was a dead man.

Ethan hears the voices again, being clearer. He hears Tommy Thompson. Miss Parker still has the same dream and now while she's driving. She was that close to killing Broots.



Just then, Broots shows her everything he found about Dr Tommy Thompson.

Jarod thinks back about when he and Eddie escaped from The Centre.

Back at the NSA offices, Jarod tries to keep a low profile. He gets phone calls from the Chameleon, which he doesn't want his partners to hear. Agent Zane thinks there is something about Jarod that kind of reminds her of Eddie, but she can't explain what.

Zane and Tracer could still trace a phone call, even though Jarod made it impossible for them to hear it. It leads them to a boat, in Delaware , some place called Blue Cove.

In the meantime, Miss Parker and Sydney are still trying to find out more about Tommy Thompson, where he could be, what is his connection to the Centre.

Jarod and his NSA team get to Blue Cove, and find the boat. Zane asks Jarod if he's ok, and he says he's never been comfortable in that part of the world. They search the boat and find all kind of things that could have been Jarod's.

Luckily Jarod is still in the boat when Lyle comes by.

Sydney discovers the ID Jarod was talking about, the one with the picture of his face, used in each of the pictures let by the Chameleon.

Miss Parker follows her brother to ask him what he knows about their father, and what he has to do with everything. He says he doesn't know anything.

Parker and Broots hide, make Lyle think they're gone, and then they follow him, to find out Raines is still alive, and kept at the Centre.

Jarod and Ethan try to find out more from the picture Jarod found. He remembers a book that was there too, about sign language. He notices indeed that the characters on the pictures do say something. All together, they give "GHOST"…

At the NSA, Zane brings Jarod a delivery for him. He obviously doesn't want them to see what is in it, but Zane insists. Inside is a red notebook, like Jarod's. He says he must have forgotten it in a cab and the driver sent it to him. Zane doesn't believe it. She asks Tracer to find any information about Jarod, for her eyes only.

Later, Jarod opens the red notebook, to find a picture of his mother crying. Next page, a paper in which we can read about Jarod's death.

Jarod goes to the Park, where he's supposed to be killed. He finds coffin, in which he finds a hint that leads him to Alex.

At the Centre, Miss Parker and Broots make a deal with Mr. Raines. Miss Parker heard that someone wanted him dead, and if he wanted to live, he'd have to tell her everything. Raines agrees to talk, only when he's out of there safe.

Lyle arrives just at that time to kill Mr. Raines, but too late.

Jarod explains to Ethan how the 3 of them escaped from the Centre that night, and how he thought Alex was killed while trying to escape. He can only think of what the Centre did to him after that.

Raines tells the same story to Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots. How 3 pretenders tried to escape. He says he doesn't know what was done to Alex after he was found, and that the search for Eddie stopped shortly after they escaped, as only Jarod was a pretender of value.


In the meantime, Mr. Parker is kept captured by Alex.

Miss Parker follows Mr. Lyle again, who now walks to his car with bodyguards. She asks him again what he knows. She heard a message left by Mr. Raines to Lyle, in which he referred to someone as "your mad man". Either he talks, either she returns his thumb to Mr. Raines.

Alex calls Jarod at the NSA. Alex admits killing Eddy, who knew too much. He said he left him a paper in his desk. Zane and Tracer try to locate the call. Jarod picks up the paper Ethan faxed him a bit earlier. While Tracer tells the address where they located Alex, Jarod reads the same address on the fax… A certain Tommy Thompson.

As Broots found 2 Tommy Thompson's addresses, he goes to one, and Miss Parker to the other. When she gets there, she can't find anyone, but finds the ring her mother wears in her vision. Just then, she notices a countdown, and tries to get out, but too late. A bomb explodes, and she ends up in the very same situation as in her vision. She is rescued by Ethan, who knew exactly were he had to go.

At the other address, Jarod and Zane find an archi-dead Tommy Thompson, with the same package that was delivered to Jarod earlier. Suddenly, they hear a voice coming from another room. They reach that closet, and they found... Broots! Broots is so very surprised to see Jarod, probably as surprised himself. He tells Broots he has the right to keep silent, and he suggests he does.

Sydney is still busy trying to find out about the project called Starpoints. He finally finds it and downloads it.

Jarod is now interrogating Broots, who doesn't say much. Jarod makes up a story that he made a date on the internet and the woman gave him a wrong address. In short, that he had nothing to do with the murder. All Broots has to do is to "confirm". Then Jarod leaves the room to check his story.

At Miss Parker's, Ethan and Miss Parker talk about their mother. Miss Parker asks Ethan how he knew he had to save her. He says a voice told him to go. Ever since he can remember, he's had the same vision, so he just followed what the voice told him. He knows now it was his mother, and asks Miss Parker to tell him everything about their mother.

Jarod makes a fake ID for Broots, and tells Zane that Broots was telling the truth. She asks Jarod to release him.

Jarod gets a phone call from Sydney, who says he's found the Starpoint simulation. He says the next victim is the Swedish Ambassador. Jarod calls the embassy to know where the ambassador is. He's told she is at a reception at the Opera.

Tracer comes back with the results of the finger print they found at Thompson's. He says it was Jarod's. Zane says she doesn't know how but Jarod is their chameleon, and they try to find him.

Jarod had just released Broots, so now they run out together.

Miss Parker and Ethan are still talking about their mother. Miss Parker says how important it is for her to understand what she meant when she said "ask your father, he knows all the secrets". That moment, Miss Parker gets a phone call from her father, who tells her where to go, and he says she has to come alone.

Broots and Jarod are on the run:

Broots: I'm having a nervous breakdown here ...
Jarod: shut up and let me think!
Broots says: Think? You know what I think?! I think I need to check into a clinic. Wouldn't that be a laugh? What clinic would I check into? The minute I tell them the truth about my world, they'd be convinced I was crazy. Where are we going?
Jarod: The opera.
Broots: the opera? I hate the opera. There is no hotdogs, there's no popcorn…
Jarod: SHUT UP!
Broots: look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... when I'm nervous, I talk, and right now, I got a lot to be nervous about. First there's the explosion at the DC underground, then there's Miss Parker who starts seeing visions, then Mr. Raines, getting murdered then unmurdered. And Lyle who used to not have a thumb getting a thumb, and Mr. Raines who had a thumb, losing his thumb to Mr. Lyle. And then finding out that not only one Pretender escaped from the Centre, nooo, 3 of them did! And then trying to locate a live psychiatrist, only to find a dead doc and being arrested by a guy who's not really a federal agent. And while we're at it, why don't we throw Mr. Parker into the mix.
Jarod: what about Mr. Parker.
Broots: well, he was kidnapped.
Jarod: kidnapped?!?
Broots: yeah by the guy... Alex! The other pretender.

Jarod tekks Broots to get out of the car and rushes to the Opera alone. A cop parked outside recognized him and calls Agent Zane. Jarod finds the ambassador, just on time to keep her from being shot by Alex.

Jarod goes after Alex, who explains that after they escaped, he was shipped to the Triumvirate that used him as a back up pretender while they search for Jarod. He then says that he's turned all his simulations into something evil, like his vaccines into epidemics. Alex says Jarod has this flaw in his character, always trying to save people who are not important to his world. Jarod says the ambassador is important to the world. Yes, but not to his world, Alex replies. But Miss Parker is. In fact, he has no idea how important she is to his life, but after today, he'll never know.

Zane and Tracer arrive at that moment, trying to catch Jarod. The cop tells them he didn't shoot the ambassador, he saved her life! Jarod convinces Zane to let him go alone and try to catch the chameleon.

Miss Parker gets to the Southside ship yard, as her father told her. She finds her father locked in a fridge, who tells her to get out of there before the sick bastard gets back. But it's too late. He is back already. Alex get a hold of Miss Parker's gun before her.

Mr Parker tries to cut a deal with Alex, calling him a psychopath:

Alex: I'm not a psychopath. I'm a sociopath. There's a difference. See, a psychopath is insane. He can't distinguish between wrong and right. A sociopath knows the difference. He just doesn't have a conscience, you know? So he doesn't care.

Miss Parker says she's been waiting so long to know the answers to some questions, only her father knows. He says it's ironic. He does know all the answers, only he is not her father. Jarod arrives and stops Alex before he shoots Mr. Parker.

In the fight, Alex tries to escape, run to the roof of the building. Jarod follows him. When Alex can't go any further, Jarod tries to help him

Jarod: Let me help you.
Alex: Now, why would you want to help me?
Jarod: I have a flaw in my character, remember?
Alex: No, thanks.
Jarod: It doesn't have to end this way.
Alex: You don't know what you're saying, Jarod.
Jarod: I know that there is always hope. Always!
Alex: There's no hope for me. Or for you.

Alex asks Jarod if he's found his mother, and tells him they're never going to let that happen. He says Jarod has no idea who he is, nor why they want him back so much. But it's not only because he's a pretender. Just then Alex jumps.

Jarod tries to catch him, but Alex won't let him. If you save me, you win, but if I jump only you lose!


Later that night, Jarod calls Miss Parker, who says they haven't found Alex's body but she's not often told the truth. She asks Jarod if he knows Mr Parker is her father, and he answers with a question, why do they want him back? Is it because he's a pretender? She can't say, even if she knew.

So they both end up not knowing who they really are.

At the same time, they both receive the same email, a picture of their mothers together.

Miss Parker and Jarod agree that this is the key to all the secrets… and the first one who finds the answer wins.

Then we see that the picture was sent to Jarod and Miss Parker by Mr Raines who says: now we're even my children… God speed.