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Pretender 2001 ends like this:

Jarod calls Miss Parker, who says they haven't found Alex's body but she's not often told the truth. She asks Jarod if he knows Mr Parker is her father, and he answers with a question, why do they want him back? Is it because he's a pretender? She can't say, even if she knew.

So they both end up not knowing who they really are.

At the same time, they both receive the same email, a picture of their mothers together.

Miss Parker and Jarod agree that this is the key to all the secrets… and the first one who finds the answer wins.

Then we see that the picture was sent to Jarod and Miss Parker by Mr Raines who says: now we're even my children… God speed.



The Island of the Haunted starts on Adama and his men broking in the safe room of the Centre, looking for the scrolls. The box is empty.

After that, he goes to talk to Mr Raines, who's fallen in a mutism. Miss Parker is there, wondering if it all has to do with the things her *father* had to tell her, and with all the secrets. Lyle and Adama arrive. Lyle tells her to get out, because they say so. Miss Parker warns Adama not to harm one single hair of her fathers. She mentions her family has always run the Centre and he interrupts her: The Triumvirate runs the Centre.


Just then Broots come in, telling Miss Parker he has something important to say. And it has to be now, because he found Jarod.

They both leave the room. Broots gives Miss Parker all the info he found about Jarod, and where he might be.


Jarod is an archeo-symbologist, working at the Dennison Museum in Boston , Massachusetts .

At the University, Jarod is on the phone, asking about a symbol we can see on a picture. He says he can hold, he's waited for years, he can wait a few more minutes. Then he notices Miss Parker and her team. He can't escape just then, he needs an answer. He gets it and then run, just a second before Miss Parker gets in his office.The voice told him it's on the wall, outside of the Alley Sports Bar. He left her the Pez with a note, Miss P, sorry I missed you.

Just then, Jarod calls his office.

Miss Parker picks up the phone: What?

Jarod slightly annoyed: You've been chasing me for five years, why don't you leave me alone?

You know that's not the way it is. My job is to catch and return you to the Centre. You run, I chase, just like always. Beside I need answers

Jarod: About?

Miss Parker: About who my real father is, about who I really am

Jarod: Welcome to the club

Miss Parker: A photograph we were both e-mailed of our mothers, what does it mean?

Jarod: You work to the Centre, I thought you people everything

Miss Parker: I know they still want you back

Jarod: And why? Because I'm a pretender? Because I can be anyone I want to be? I'm not buying that anymore, It's something else.

Miss Parker: You tell me what you know about the photography.

Jarod: I'm not sure what it means but something tells me it holds the key to this whole puzzle. And first one who find the answers...wins

Then in the street, just under Jarod's office, Miss Parker's car is parked. Jarod gives a toot, and waves at her. Miss Parker hangs up and breaks the Pez.


At the Centre, back to Miss Parker's office. She wonders what exactly an archeo-symbologist is. She also wonders if another symbol was of any interest to Jarod, but no, only this one was.

Miss Parker looks through the box of photo enlargement. Something catches her eye: ivy on the edge of the frame. Something clicks. She looks at her mom's photo with a magnifying glass and sees the same symbol on the wall above her mother on the picture... "And the first one to the answers wins".

Jarod is now at the Alley Sports Bar. The owner of the bar is taking boxes out of the basement, and as Jarod looks at the symbol with the skeletal heads on the wall, partially hidden behind the ivy. Jarod says he's been doing some research that led him to this building. The man says that the rumor is that some immigrant guy set up shops here, amassed a fortune by holding evil worship type meetings in the basement. He shows Jarod the area of the basement in which the discoveries were made by a plumber who was attempting to add a second sewer line for the bar upstairs.

He notices an empty box, and he explains that there was a blue box with a heart carved , had a porcelain doll inside, which the lady must have taken. He sees the picture Jarod holds and tells him it's the woman who was there like 3 days ago. Jarod's mother was there.

At the Centre, Broots and Sydney discover Miss Parker drawing a sample of blood from her arm. She says she needs to know if her father is her real father" and hands the syringe to Sydney . He asks her if she has considered the psychological effect and she told him to just do it. Sydney leaves and Miss Parker turns to her computer, which is running a global search for the symbol that she found in the pictures in Jarod's last lair.

The search is going slowly and is showing no positive results. Broots asks if he could help, she says no and sends him out, then says to herself and there's only one person qualified to help.

Angelo examines the picture of Miss Parker's mother and Jarod's mother together, he says "Miss Parker's mother sad, Jarod's mother frightened". She asks about what's on the wall in the ivy?"

Angelo looks closely at the symbol and goes crazy. Vespasians… Vespasians… Vespasians… Vespasians... becoming more agitated each time he repeats it.

Angelo begins overturning the tables in the room and throwing chairs aside. He grabs a piece of paper and a pencil, and, holding the paper up against the wall, frantically begins drawing a picture on it.


Miss Parker asks what the Vespesians are… "Evil, evil people, evil people, evil people evil people"

Angelo never stopping his scribbling continuing to draw the picture. Miss Parker presses for more information, for where she can find the evil people. Evil people, evil place, evil people evil place, evil people, evil place, evil people, evil place. He then says she can find them on the Island of the Haunted.



The sea is slate gray and choppy, varying only slightly in color from the troubled sky. Jarod stands close to the man who is piloting the long boat that is nearly skimming the water, it's moving so quickly toward an island on the horizon. The skipper asks Jarod what he wants to go there for, and says if the answers he needs to know are on that island, he might be better off not knowing them.

Walking down the cobblestone streets on the island, Jarod appears to have been transported back in time. On the steps outside of a church, a man is pleading with three of the "Brothers". He's worried about the storm that's coming. "We're scared. They don't called evil storm for nothing, I speak for everybody when I say it, we'd all feel safer, if we left". After a discussion, he agrees to arrange to have the shallow boats prepare for dawn.

As the islanders go back to their business, Jarod approaches Brother Renaldus and asks him who he should talk to about accommodations. He says it would be himself.

He asks another Brother to take Jarod to a refuge. Holding a lantern in front of them, the brother takes Jarod down narrow stairs, showing him to his room. The Brother tells Jarod the modern standards amenities are primitive, with no electric, no phones and very little running water. Jarod says it's ok, it reminds him of the place where he grew up. Jarod wants know what if someone was looking for him? The brother says "If someone were looking for you or, you are looking for them, you've been in the wrong place, for centuries the Vespasian Brothers have built this place a refuge. Privacy of our guests has always been the rule". Then leaves.


As Jarod begins to settle in to the nearly empty room, he looks into the mirror on one of the small tables and catches a bit of movement just outside his door. Quickly he turns and looks up and down the hallway that leads to his room, but sees no one there.


Jarod is wakened from his sleep by a nightmare and when he gets up to the cobblestone streets, he finds everyone hurriedly moving toward the shallow boats, evacuating the island. 


People are Evacuating. Church bells are ringing and two of the brothers from the day before tell Jarod the storm changed course in the night has doubled in size. Half of the islander have already left, " The next bells ring will announce the last boat leaving, be on it". Jarods protests and runs showing everyone his mother's picture and asking if they've seen her. Suddenly he sees his mother! She is far down the street and is holding her red cape close around her, to protect her from the wind, while clutching a neon yellow bag. Jarod screams but she can't hear him.

At that time, a black helicopter, with "The Centre" insignia on the side lands, preventing Jarod from running in the direction in which his mother must have gone. Instead, he steps back into an alley way, so that he can watch the helicopter without being seen. Miss Parker gets out of the chopper, her hair flying in the wind.

The helicopter immediately takes off and Miss Parker approaches one of the brothers in the street, brother Menencious, asking him where everyone is going. He tells her if she's smart she'd leave too. She shows him Angelo's drawing and asks if it rings a bell. He points a sign "Chapel of Souls" and shows her how to go there. She then notices Jarod, who hurries down the street away from her. She follows him.

In the Centre lab, Sydney and Broots are looking for a sample of Mr. Parker's blood for Miss Parker

They both wonder why Miss Parker isn't there with them.

Broots finds a vial and Sydney asks if it's Parker's blood. Broots answers it's placenta and cord blood samples from Brigitte and Mr. Parker's baby boy. And he says not to sounds cynical or anything, but has anyone seen that little kid lately? Then goes back to look further.


Broots: Oh, geez!

Sydney : What is it?

Broots holding another a vial: I am so underpaid. Miss Parker owes me so big.

Sydney looking at it with a flashlight: Is that Mr. Parker's blood?

Broots: I wish it were Mr. Parker's blood. The only sample of Mr. Parker's in here is semen! Let's get the hell out of here.

They take the sample and leave.



Jarod sees a sign that says, "Ocee's Herbal Remedies" and hurries into the store to avoid being seen again by Miss Parker. She is about to follow him inside when one of the brothers stops her and asks if he can be of any help. She says she's just leaving, like everybody else.



She takes another look at the picture that Angelo drew and heads toward the footpath. 

Inside of Ocee's door, Jarod breathes a sigh of relief as he watches Miss Parker walk away.

Ocee is sitting there, Jarod asks if she shouldn't be leaving too. She stands up, allowing the light to fall on her face, and it is clear from her opaque eyes that Ocee is blind.

She says to Jarod: You're the broken heart, you have not found the loved one you seek, the woman with the scarlet hair.


Miss Parker is following the signs that lead to the chapel when she sees a stone marker on the ground which is nearly obscured by leaves. She brushes the leaves off and sees that the marker has a picture chiselled into it that nearly matches the one she is carrying. From above her, Miss Parker hears a little girl, softly giggling. Looking up, Miss Parker says hello. The little girls tells her it's in the chapel. Miss Parker runs after the little girl.


In Ocee's shop, Jarod is imploring: tell me what you know about the woman with the scarlet hair. I saw her earlier, but I lost her.

Ocee: The one you seek, seeks you as well

Jarod: Ocee, help me...please

Ocee has been pouring herself a cup of tea, and she turns to face Jarod, holding the tea cup, in its saucer in one hand, while grasping his arm with the other. The cup that is sitting on the saucer begins to rattle, as Ocee's hand trembles

Jarod: Ocee?...What's the matter?

Ocee: Danger...she's in danger, now"

Jarod: Where?"

Ocee: "Chapel of Souls", as her saucer, cup and tea all crash to the floor and break.

Jarod: The Chapel of Souls


Miss Parker is standing in front of the Chapel of Souls, comparing the picture that Angelo drew with what she sees in front of her. There is no doubt that the two are the same. As she begins climbing the stone steps toward the chapel, Miss Parker hears a woman scream and then a gunshot. In the woods nearby, Jarod hears it, too. Both of them rush headlong toward the sounds.


Miss Parker enters the chapel, gun drawn, and begins checking each room as she passes through. She finds droplets of blood on the floor and follows them to a small room that might be a confessional. She flings open the door and is confronted with Jarod's mother, who is as startled to see Miss Parker as Miss Parker is to see her! "My God, you look just like her!" says Margaret, as she pushes past a surprised Miss Parker and flees.

Miss Parker begins to follow her, but as she runs through a draped doorway, she is hit on the head from behind by someone. Miss Parker falls, face first onto the floor.

Jarod has finally reached the chapel and rushes inside. He is approaching the spot where Miss Parker found the droplets of blood when Miss Parker emerges from the hallway where she was attacked. She's pointing her gun at Jarod with one hand, and rubbing the back of her head with the other. She thinks Jarod slammed her.

Miss Parker tells Jarod she's just seen his mother, she was hurt. They hear the church bells. Jarod reminds her: that's the last shuttle boat off this island....answers we both have been searching could be leaving right now.

At the dock, the last boat is speeding away from Carthis. Jarod and Miss Parker come running through the woods. Jarod screams "stop the boat" but no one hears him... He has no choice but to stand on the island and watch his mother moving farther and farther away from him.

Jarod after missing seeing his mother by mere seconds: She was right here. My mother was right here in front of me. And once again it's the Centre that stops us from being together. He begins to stride away. Looking at her gun, Jarod tells Miss Parker that if she wants to shoot him, she can. But Miss Parker just drops the gun to her side, and Jarod walks away.

Jarods begins to stride away. Looking at her gun, Jarod tells Miss Parker that if she wants to shoot him, she can. But Miss Parker just drops the gun to her side, and Jarod walks away.


At The Centre, Lyle is walking down a dimly lit hallway when Mr. Raines calls him and reminds him he took his thumb. Lyle says Raines wasn't using it at that time. Raines says a digit is the least he could give him for the favour he's about to ask. Then, we see Broots and Sydney walking through a door. They wonder where Miss Parker is, it's not like her to stay out of contact for that long. Broots says it's weird, Sydney agrees, but Broots tell him, not that… that, pointing to Lyle and Raines hugging each other.


On the island, Jarod and Miss Parker have gone back to the Chapel of Souls and Miss Parker is explaining to Jarod where she saw his mother. There's blood on the floor, Jarod says it's his mother's blood. Then he sees a muddy boot print, it has a crack in the heel. They follow the trail of the boot print. It leads them to the wood where they find the yellow tote Margaret was carrying. Inside the bag, Jarod and Miss Parker find the blue box with the heart carved in the top that the proprietor of the Sports Bar Alley described to Jarod. They open the box, but it's empty. There also is a piece of parchment on which is written "P-47". The lettering is old English in style. Jarod notices someone walking through the wood. The two of them rush off in pursuit of that person. Jarod catches up in short order.

Jarod: Hey....Ocee, why don't you leave with the others?

Ocee: Ocee born here, Ocee die here… then she got off the island all right?

Jarod: who got off the island?

Ocee: The woman with the scarlet hair, your mother of course

Jarod: How you know she was my mother?

Ocee: You're Jarod aren't you?

Jarod is astonished!


Back at Ocee's shop.

Ocee:Your mother came to me for herbs, complaining of headaches. But it was easy, even for a blind woman to see, that it was her heart that was aching and she feared for her life.

Jarod: Ocee what was my mother searching for?

Ocee touches Jarod's face: Find out who you are

Jarod: What do you mean? Who I am?

Ocee: All I knows is what she's spoke of. She and another woman had been trying to discover the truth for a long time... Turning toward Miss Parker: That must have been your mother.

Miss Parker, suprised: Are you sure you're blind?

Ocee: Sight may come from ones eyes, but the vision comes from ones heart

Miss Parker: Jarod, if your mother was searching for something in the chapel, maybe the little girl could tell us what it was

Jarod: What girl?

Miss Parker: I was lead to the chapel by a little girl with long, light brown hair

Ocee: Little girl on this island? Are you sure?

Miss Parker: Lady I'm the one who knows what I saw

Jarod: Girl or not, Ocee tell me, what was my mother searching for?

Ocee: She was searching for the scrolls, of course


At the centre, Mr. Parker still sits unmoving. Adama stands before him when Mr. Lyle enters through the white curtains and tells Adama he has a phone call from Africa and he can take it in the hall.

Immediately, Mr. Raines comes in and approaches Mr. Parker.

Adama is annoyed at the delay of the call.


Raines tells Mr Parker they've always been closer than anyone has known. Raines shows Mr. Parker the picture of Catherine and Margaret, taken in front of the Sports Bar wall, and asks him if it's the truth.

Adama decides not to wait for the call and gets back to Parker. He opens the curtains with both hands, and briskly enters the enclosure. Adama tells one of his men to stay with Mr. Parker. Lyle is relieved to find Mr. Parker where he belongs and Mr. Raines nowhere in sight. Although no one else seems to notice, Lyle sees a tear down Mr. Parker's face, then turns and follows Adama.


Ocee has taken Jarod and Miss Parker to the crypt room and explains:

It's the crypt room, it was built on the souls of the original monk warriors who brought the scrolls to the island and founded the order.....literally on their soils. When brother Vespus and his disciples returned from the crusades, they brought with them mystic scrolls of biblical proportions

Miss Parker says: like the holy grail, or something like that?


Something exactly like that. Monks had gave their solemn word to Pope Innocent that to bury the scrolls in the sea, but instead, they brought them to here and hid them. In the centuries, secret destiny of come to the isle, seeking the scrolls and their mystic power, many searchers have ventured into the woods, never to return at all. To said that the fate of the one who dares defile the scrolls will be filled with eternal damnation

Jarod asks if his mother was trying to find them.

The scrolls and everything about the man whose footsteps we now both walk in

Many believe that a hundred years ago, the crypt-keeper this facility found the Vespasian scrolls. It is said that he planned to leave Carthis with them, and he was made to pay a devastating price for his bargain with the devil. That night, by his hand, his entire family burned to death in their cottage

Miss Parker is appalled.

He left the island the next morn.

Jarod asks her what about the scrolls?

No one knows for sure where they are, or for what matter what. Some say that they are gospels, written in the hand of God. Others, scribbling from the paw of Satan. Whatever they are, they contain a power no man should encounter.

Jarod says his mother was also searching for something called P-47.

The island is parcelled out in numbered plots, all of which are registered at the Monacal's archives,


As the storm begins to break, Ocee leads Jarod and Miss Parker at the archives.

Miss Parker is trailing the group and is distracted once again by the laughter of the girl. The girl puts her finger to her lips, motioning for Miss Parker to be quiet, then gestures for her to follow.

Miss Parker yells ahead to Ocee and Jarod, saying she'll meet them inside, and follows her.


At the Center, Broots and Sydney are discussing Miss Parker's vanishing act. They find Angelo drawing the same symbol with the 8 skeletal heads. On top of it: "Terribilis est locus iste". Broots thinks it doesn't sound good and asks Syd what it means. He answers Terrible things happened here.