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Back to the begining of Island of the Haunted


At the Centre, Broots and Sydney are discussing Miss Parker's vanishing act. They find Angelo drawing the same symbol with the 8 skeletal heads. On top of it: "Terribilis est locus iste". Broots thinks it doesn't sound good and asks Syd what it means. He answers Terrible things happened here.

The little girl has lead Miss Parker back to the Chapel of the Souls. Those same words are written over the door, and with the storm crashing behind her, Miss Parker enters. It's dark inside, so Miss Parker takes one of the red votive candles. The child is standing by the confessional booths. As soon as Miss Parker sees her, the little girl dashes into one of the confessional booths. Miss Parker opens the door and finds a doll on a red velvet chair.

The doll is a little girl, wearing a white sailor outfit. She is so absorbed, looking at it, that she gasps and jumps when a gloved hand falls on her shoulder. Miss Parker is relieved to see it is only Jarod. He looks at the doll and determines that it is the doll that should have been in the blue box, with the heart carved on the lid.

Snow is beginning to fall as Jarod and Miss Parker approach the remains of the crypt-keeper's cottage, P47. Miss Parker says she's never seen it rain and snow at the same time. Jarod says it's the devil storm.

As Miss Parker approaches the site on which the cottage stood, she gets a mental flash of the night that the crypt-keeper burned it and can hear the cries of a terrified child begging her father to not do it as the cottage bursts into flame. "How could a man destroy his family, just so that he could pursue his greed and power?" Jarod tells her to ask her father that!

Jarod notices that there is a muddy boot print inside of the cottage, the same boot print that he and Miss Parker saw in the chapel. He looks up and sees a figure wearing a monk's robe walking in the woods, not far away.

Jarod takes chase and Miss Parker is ready to follow, when the little girl tells her there's nothing for her over there. Miss Parker follows her into the woods.

In another section of the woods, the person that Jarod was chasing turns and clubs Jarod with his wooden staff, causing Jarod to tumble down a small hill. He's not seriously injured from the fall, but has lost the mysterious stranger.

As the snow turns to a driving rain, Miss Parker realizes that the little girl has led her into an old graveyard. Miss Parker's face turns to one of anguished surprise as she looks at the rows of chiselled headstones. Jarod comes up behind her, holding his arms around himself, as if to keep warm in the freezing rain. He asks Miss Parker if she's all right. She doesn't answer and tells him the little girl led her there so that she knows where she comes from. Jarod doesn't understand. Gesturing to the headstones, Miss Parker screams over the torrent of rain "the crypt-keeper's family". Jarod looks at the headstones in front of Miss Parker and realizes that the name on them is "Parker". They are who she is.


They go back to Ocee's.

Ocee tells them Brother Menencious was right, it is the devil storm, and that they're lucky to be back alive. Jarod shays it's not just the storm, they're not alone. She asks Jarod to give her his clothes to dry, as he's shivery. He takes off his sweater and examines a bruise on his arm. Ocee says her feeling is that the only good thing that is left on the island is connection between him and Miss Parker". She holds out a saucer with a cup of tea on it and tells him to go to her.

Jarod gives Ocee a long look, but eventually takes the saucer from her hand. He walks through a set of drapes, into the room where Miss Parker should be, and arrives in time to see her outline as she changes out of her wet clothes, behind a screen. Transfixed, he watches for a moment longer than he should, then lowers his eyes. When Miss Parker emerges from behind the screen, wrapping a thick bathrobe around her, she pauses for a moment and looks at Jarod. He gives her the cup of tea.

Talking by a fire - Jarod had just put a blanket around Miss Parker's shoulders to keep her warm.

Miss Parker: Do you remember, when we were kids, that night, that I sneaked you into my father's office?

Jarod, smiling at the memory: You said that if I was really a genius, I'd be able to figure out where he hid the present that he bought you on his business trip ... and you found it, exactly where I said it would be.

Miss Parker: Yeah, only It wasn't I just told you that it was because I was so disappointed. My father had lied about buying it. The pathetic part is that I've been searching for that gitf from daddy every since

Jarod: Your father, the Centre, manipulation is what they do, and the only present they ever left either of us was emptiness

Miss Parker: The parker's graves out there go way beyond empty. Which brings me back to wondering..

Jarod:..who it is you really are.

Miss Parker gives Jarod a long look. His face is bright, illuminated by the fire behind them both. She sets the saucer and tea cup on the hearth behind them: I don't know now If I find ever really and I wants to know...

Jarod: Yes, yes you do... The Centre wants us to believe that finding the truth is a mistake, that looking for answers about who we really are is futile and finding any kind of... connection outside their control is wrong. I know you don't want to hear this but you can feel it. You've been a Centre prisoner all these years... just like me. And with every discovery you find, you're every bit the outcast. Just like me.

Miss Parker: Why is it that the one person that I've been trained to distrust, to hate, to capture is always with me during the most difficult moments of my life?

Jarod: [voice barely above a whisper] Maybe... it's supposed to be that way.


They lean closer until they are close enough to kiss…

And Ocee comes in, interrupting them. Miss Parker asks if she can help her with the tea and gets away from Jarod.

They exchange glances, but say nothing more. Ocee removes a book from a shelf and Miss Parker sees a drawing of the little girl who has been leading her all over the island. In the drawing, the child is holding the doll and they are both wearing white sailor dresses. She says it's her! The little girl who led her to the Chapel. Ocee says it's impossible, she the crypt-keeper's daughter. She's been dead a hundred years.


In Miss Parker's office, Broots says to Sydney he's worried about her. Broots says he wasn't the only one who had broken into her house. Angelo suddenly knocks on the window. They follow him back to the symbol he's drawn on the wall. "Terribilis est locus iste". Sydney asks terrible things happened where? Angelo moves aside and the numbers 19-240-86 are revealed. He has written them on the wall, beside the symbol. He says it's all the truth about the Parkers.



Ocee explains that the sketch is a self-portrait of the little Parker girl, she gave it to the priest in the chapel, Father Theo on the day she died. The night that the crypt-keeper's family burned to death, Father Theo died too, in a mysterious accident. Ocee says her father was a good friend of Father Theo and and got all of his personal items, including the sketch of "Angel". Miss Parker gave all her attention to Ocee when she heard Angel. Jarod takes the sketch from Miss Parker and Ocee guides them to the Archive Chamber.

In the archive chamber, Miss Parker is looking at one of the stone gargoyles. She says she's ready to believe in curses. The found Father Theo's chest just where Ocee said it would be. On top there is a cracked and creased picture of Father Theo, holding his bible to his chest. The Bible is there too. Using a knife from his pocket, Jarod loosens the binding in the spot depicted on the picture and finds a letter. The letter that Father Theo wrote to his Bishop in Glasgow's dated the day of Father Theo died.

"Bless me your holiness for I break the sanctity of the confessional and I commit this words to paper. This evening the daughter of the local crypt-keeper speak words of such terror that the quill quivery in my hand as I write. Her father, she claims, discover and stole the long sought scrolls of Vespus. The demons have now turned the once loving man into a tormented soul. In trying to save he from eternal damnation, she took and re-hide the scrolls along with three other items.....a leather pouch, a porcelain doll and an eerily accurate self portrait. She said that the items were to remember her by, as though she had realized that her time upon this earth were nearing its end. Her words regarding the scrolls terrorize me, holiness. When she told the location of the scrolls, she holds the key to finding them still."

It's unfinished, he must have been interrupted and hid it in his Bible.

Jarod re-reads the part of Father Theo's letter and says "Father Theo writes..."she holds the key to finding the scroll still....she holds the key.." Then looks at the self-portrait and realizes that the little girl is holding her doll in it.

A light of realization goes on in Jarod's eyes as he pulls out the doll from his bag. He tells Miss Parker her great-grandfather must have brought it to America , and his mother brought it back for her search. She holds the key. Jarod smashes the doll and finds a small key inside, saying he knows what it opens.



At the Centre Broots says he figured out what the numbers Angelo wrote meant, ..19, SL 19, 240, Row 240, 86, Lockbox number 86, so I broke it and he found Medical records.. "A death certificate, an adoption certificate and a birth certificate, all issued within three days of each other and all in the Parker family name"

Sydney : Seems, Mr Parker had a brother"

Broots: His name was Able Parker, who almost died at birth, then spent three sickly days in an incubator a rushed adoption was arranged and the baby was sent off and this, I can't unbelievable this, Mr. Parker's father bought and paid for the phony death certificate, all in the name of Able Paker, like the baby didn't even exist, weak ring of the Parker family tree is cut off"

Sydney : It's unbelievable Broots"

Broots: No, you have seen nothing yet. Look at the name of the family that adopted the baby”

Sydney : Raines!"

Broots: Or I'm crazy, or it's means that Mr Raines, is really..."

Sydney ...Mr Parker's brother"


Jarod and Miss Parker are back in the Chapel of Souls. They find the Secret Chamber and Jarod pulls out a wooden box, with a cross on it. The key fits, the box opens, but there are no scrolls. Brother Menencious strides up and says he'll take Angel leather pouch.

Miss Parker pulls her gun, but the brother bats her hand away with his staff, then knocks Jarod over with it. Miss Parker tries again to aim her gun, and again she is clubbed with the staff. Brother Menencious flees the room and Jarod and Miss Parker chase him up a flight of stairs. Miss Parker has her gun in front of her, aimed and ready to shoot, as they search for him, but somehow he manages to get behind them and, suddenly, is standing in the doorway, holding a torch. Jarod asks him why he hasn't left? Too busy to keep kill his mother, or to keep them from the truth?

He says he doesn't know what Jarod is talking about. Just that In 700 years there has always been a Vespasian Brother on this island to protect the scrolls, he wasn't going to be the one to leave them now unguarded

He tips over a barrel and ignites the contents with the torch, setting the entire room in flames.

Jarod and Miss Parker run toward and leap through the window, just as the barrels behind them cause a tremendous explosion. They fall down onto a gravel laden slope. Jarod asks Miss Parker if she's ok, she says she's been better. They hear a gunshot and Miss Parker says "Ocee!"

They run to look for her and find her, dying, on the steps. Jarod asks her if Menencious did this. She replied it's the curse of the scrolls.

Jarod and Miss Parker are back at Ocee's shop. Jarod says too many people are dying trying to find the scrolls.

He opens a piece of paper that was inside of Angel's pouch. On it, she has sketched A demon, a serpent and a cherub, all of them looking at something. Jarod says it's not just a map, but directions left by the crypt-keeper's daughter, to tell them where she re-hid the scrolls. Jarod knows where one of them is.

Back in the crypt room, and Jarod finds the demon Asmodeus. Miss Parker says: " Ugly son of a bitch. Reminds me of Raines. All he is staring at is a blank wall". When Jarod scrapes some of the dirt of the past century away, there is something written on the wall. Itego.

Jarod says by itself it means probably nothing, but his guess is that the cherub and the serpent are both looking at words, clues that would lead them to the scrolls

They find brother Menencious dead, stabbed in the back. 

Miss Parker tells Jarod to go look for the serpent, and she's going to look for the cherub. As she's outside, she sees Angel again. She runs away, leading Miss Parker to a cherub, carved on a door.

On the fence rail behind her, Miss Parker finds the word "arcana" carved. She thanks "Angel". The little girl looks at Miss Parker and says "Papa's the only one who calls me "Angel", my friends call me "Miss Parker"

When the child runs off again, the headstone of the grave is visible. It reads, "Rest In Peace Little Miss Parker" Miss Parker is stunned into silence.


Meanwhile, Jarod is walking around, holding his lantern high, searching for the serpent. He turns around and looks up and finds it. The serpent is overlooking a bench, on which the word "Dei" is carved. He's startled by Miss Parker, who rushes up to tell him she found the word arcana. "Itego arcana Dei"... Jarod knows where there is a box on which those words are written.



At the Centre, Broots to Sydney : I've got a bad feeling about this.

Sydney : About what?

Broots:I was passing by the infirmary and that's when I saw it?

Sydney : You saw what?

Broots: Nothing, none, nada"

Sydney : Broots, what are you talking about?

Broots: Look around, Adama, the Triumvirate muscles, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Parker, they're all gone, they vanished just like Miss Parker.

Sydney : Call her cell phone every five minutes if you have to, but I don't know what any of this means, you've got to find her.




Jarod and Miss Parker are in the room where the bodies of the original monk/warriors are entombed. Their stone coffins surround a long monument that has a triangle carved on the top of it. Jarod brushes the dirt off of the triangle and finds the words "Itego arcana dei" chiselled into it. Miss Parker asks what it means: Jarod says it means Be gone, for I conceal the secrets of God.

Together they push the heavy stone lid until it opens enough to reveal a set of two scrolls, lying on the skeleton of brother Vespus. Jarod removes them only to find himself being held at gunpoint by brother Renaldus.

Suddenly, brother Renaldus is shot from behind, and to Jarod and Miss Parker's surprise, Mr. Parker walks through the door, followed by Mr. Raines. Miss Parker is appalled.

Mr. Parker says: "brother Renaldus has been my faithful servant for years but God does not forgive acts of aggression against one's mother and neither do I right angel?" And Raines says he can radio Adama to let him know they have the scrolls AND Jarod.


At the Centre Sydney tells Broots he's seen some bizarre things, but nothing to compare with this. He hands Broots a folder with the genetic test results... Broots doesn't believe it.

At Glasgow International Airport in Scotland, Mr. Parker and Mr. Raines meet with Mr. Lyle and Adama to hand over the scrolls, which are now back in their case, where they belong. 

In the back seat of the car in which Mr. Parker arrived sit Miss Parker and Jarod. Miss Parker rolls down the heavily tinted window to watch the proceedings. Jarod says he can't help but imagine mothers holding the box with instead of them. He can't help but imagine a different ending to all of this.

Miss Parker: What am I supposed to do, Jarod?

Jarod: Only you can answer that, I just hate to see anyone miss a turning point, when one is staring them right in the face

Miss Parker: And I suppose you're gonna open my eyes

Jarod: No you don't need me do that. Only you can decide for yourself whether or not to take a hard look at your life. The way your mother once did.

Miss Parker: Leave my mother out of this, ok? I'm not her.

Jarod: Then who are you? Your father? Mr Parker's legacy you want to pass on to you children? Look...We've been through a lot together you and me. From when we were kids at the Centre, to the last couple of days. I know that barely our allegiances are the same but I've always felt...


Jarod: I've always known that there's something more to our lives than I run and you chase.

Miss Parker: [staring out the window of the car at her father] Maybe we do what we have to, to get by in this life.

Jarod: Maybe we both deserve something more.

Miss Parker, breaking slightly: Just forget what happened on that island, forget that moment of weakness. Turning points only come when you've got something to turn to.

Jarod looks hurt by her rejection. In a silent plea, he grabs her hand into both of his. After a few seconds of staring into each others eyes, Parker yanks her hand out of his hands.

Miss Parker: I'm sorry. This isn't the different ending you were looking for. But it's just the way the damn story goes, Jarod.

Adama's men approach the car and open the door. Miss Parker steps out. As she walks up to her father, Adama's men take Jarod toward the plane.

Mr Parker tells Miss Parker she's not going on this flight. Seeing the look on her face, he tells her he will explain when they're back in Blue Cove.


She still asks him: "Daddy is it true, the "Parker" that found the scrolls is my great-grandfather? and what about the scrolls is it true that they hold some kind of power?"

He insists: not now, and tells her she should spend a few days at the London House.

Miss Parker cell phone rings and she answers the phone: "Hello?"

Sydney and Broots are so happy to hear her voice that it momentarily escapes them that she did not answer the phone in her usual way.

Broots says: It's us Miss Parker...we've been so worried... did you was say hello?"

She asks about the results of the test blood: Is her father her father?

Sydney : The genetic lab did detect pattern similarities so technically, you and your father....could be a match.

Miss Parker: Technically was hardly the rousing endorsement that I was hoping for.

Broots: Well, see the thing is that your father's... soda... seems to be flat

Miss Parker: Sidney what is he talking about?

Sydney : A sample of Mr. Parker's sperm count is so low. He is virtually sterile so the probability of him siring an offspring of him is probability small"

Miss Parker wants to know how he can be a genetic match and not be her father.

Sydney explains there were further revelation about her father actually having a brother who was given up for adoption three days after he was born, and that the adopting family name was Raines

Mr. Raines sees Miss Parker looking at him and smiles at her. Pulling the cell phone away from her face, she says she going to vomit.


The plane takes off. Lyle, Raines and Mr. Parker go into the area where Jarod is being held. Mr. Parker is holdng the box with the scrolls, authenticated for the Triumvirate.

Miss Parker comes in and says: I had my fill of surprises too, about the one I just got about who my real father is.

Her comment has stunned all of them to silence

Mr Parker: not now, Angel

"Don't...angel me! I wanna know which one of you two is my real father... NOW!"

Lyle, looking surprised too, tells her if they get back to Blue Cove, the'yd talk about that paternity business, but not now. She doesn't understand "if they get back".

Jarod explains it to her: "You Miss Parker, you being on board fails their plan to double-crossing Adama and the Triumvirate, now that the scrolls has authenticated, Mr Lyle and your father...or should I say fathers were planning to parachute off the plane with their "prized" possessions ... the scrolls and me. Unfortunately, I only see four parachutes and you Miss Parker make...five..."

Jarod says if the scrolls became a possession at the Triumvirate in Africa the Centre's power base is history. I'm guessing that your mother discovered this years ago"

And if she found the scrolls then....She would have had all the leverage of The Centre...Or the leverage to end it.

Adama enters the room and ask Mr Parker, why she is on board? Then he tells Mr. Parker to lock up the scrolls.

They head for the front of the plane. As Mr. Parker goes to lock up the scrolls, Jarod begins to taunt him, asking him

Jarod: Let me ask you a question? Did you ever love her? Because of the little affection you have given her over the years she craves.

Mr. Parker: I love my daughter more that it on this planet

Jarod: More than those scrolls? I think that is pathetic it was for you to fashion his entire life around.....and you have never seen"

Mr. Parker: I've learned the secrets from my grand-father and there was nothing pathetic about his legacy, young man

Jarod: Oh yes, burning his family to death, that's a Hell legancy to pass at I call now...daughter?...Come on hundreds of people, over thousands of years, have sacrificed their lives to can glimpse of those scrolls, and now you holds them in your hands, aren't you a little curious....all that....power.


Mr. Parker gives in to the lure. He opens the box and begins to untie the fabric in which the scrolls are wrapped.


At the front of the plane, Lyle, Mr. Raines and Miss Parker are all walking forward.

Lyle pulls out a gun that has a silencer on it. At the same time, Mr. Raines pulls out a gun from the seat where he is sitting. Together, they quickly dispatch Adama and the guards.


Then he and Raines continue forward, toward the cockpit of the plane. Taking her gun back from Adama's dead henchman, Miss Parker moves toward the back of the plane.

Mr. Raines and Mr. Lyle enter the cockpit and force the pilot and co-pilot to change course at gunpoint. And put the plane on"


At the back of the plane, Mr. Parker closes the lid on the scrolls. Setting the box with the scrolls down, Mr. Parker begins to put on one of the parachutes.


As he disables the remaining parachutes, Mr. Parker adds one last word to his reply "...alone"


Miss Parker enters just as Mr. Parker is heading for the door of the plane. Alarmed at what she see, she asks her father what he's doing.


Mr. Parker says: I've read the scrolls, angel, and I'm returning them to the sea, it's the only way to stop the Parker madness, the madness that started The Centre.


The scrolls are real and so it is the pain that they inflicted especially on your mother. I know that now, I know that...." as he picks up the box that holds the scrolls Mr. Parker says "... It's time to fulfil her wish and send this evil back where it belongs. It's controlled our family for too long Hang on to something, angel, you can't come with me this time.



In the cockpit, Lyle shoots both the pilot and the co-pilot.



Before he jumps, Mr. Parker tells Miss Parker: I love you as my daughter, and that's all that counts. Don't be sad, the new Parker legacy begins with you. God be with you, Angel.


The sudden decompression of the plane throws it off course and fries the electronics.


In the cockpit Mr Lyle tells Mr Raines are wondering what's going on.


Mr. Raines and Mr. Lyle make their way to the back of the plane and Mr Raines tells Miss Parker


Miss Parker says to Raines that her daddy jumped with the scrolls and there's no parachute



Jarod tells them: I suggest you take the handcuffs off of the one person that can fly the plane and allow me to try to save your lives


Jarod rushes to look at the control panel then says I have to get to the cockpit. Miss Parker, come with me


Miss Parker immediately follows. The noise from the wind rushing through the open door is so loud that no one can be heard without screaming.


He'll try to land at Mahuay airport, Morocco . Jarod says: Here's a toolkit. Get to the rear of the plane. I'm going to shout out the rest of the instructions. Unless we fix these blown out electronics. We're going down...


At the control panels, Lyle is ready to do the re-wiring needed to circumvent the damaged areas.


Jarod: Lyle! Of the three panels the middle one is burnt out. We need to circumvent it and re-establish the circuit by contacting the wiring off the other two.

Miss Parker: Yellow to yellow, green to green, blue to blue.


As Lyle works to connect the wires, the plane continues to descend at an alarming rate.


Raines: You'll blow up the whole system if only one wire is crossed.

Jarod screams: We are going down fast!

Lyle: Come on, come on…Ok, ok there's one connection to go


Lyle finds himself with three wires left


Lyle: Damn

Miss Parker: What?

Jarod: We've 30 seconds to go before it will be too late

Miss Parker: Jarod, he has three wires left, only one of them blue. What should he do?

Jarod: Lyle you have to choose carefully

Miss Parker: In other words GUESS!


Lyle connects two of the three remaining wires. Instantly, the boards in the cockpit light up, the plane has electronics again!



"The good news is that we are going to land in about 10 seconds. The bad news, is that the landing gear didn't properly deploy probably. So hold on we're going to crash"


Lyle, Miss Parker and Raines belt themselves into seats as Jarod struggles to keep the big plane level during its too swift descent. For several tense seconds, no one knows if the plane will land or crash. The plane touches down on the runway, but as Jarod said, the landing gear won't hold and quickly collapses under the weight of the plane. It scrapes along the runway, threatening to break apart in the process, but in the end, it holds and the plane screeches to a painful stop.


Raines and Lyle dash to the cockpit, to find Jarod. They open the door, but they are too late, the cockpit is empty.


Lyle hears a small explosion somewhere in the plane and warns Miss Parker and Raines that it's going to blow.


All three of them make a run to get off of the plane and to cover. The plane explodes, taking with it all evidence of the murder of Adama and his men.



At the Centre, Miss Parker told Sydney and Broots about her trip to the Island . And they tell her about Raines being in charge now. Miss Parker is surprised to hear it


Mr. Raines and Lyle enter the room and approach her. Raines tells her she looks surprised.


She says: after the way the Africans were behaving on the tarmac in Morocco . I figured a beheading was in order"

Raines tell her Jarod has to be returned. So it's back to "normal", only with a twist. Whichever who brings Jarod back will have a long-term future there and a future in the Parker legacy.

And who ever fails... Raines says: "Be careful when you joke about the beheadings. Your brother has shown me a sign of loyalty"

Raines holds up his newly re-attached thumb, while Lyle holds up a hand that is once again devoid of the digit. Sydney and Broots look away.



At home, Miss Parker is looking at the sketch of Angel and her doll, when her cell phone rings.


Miss Parker: What?"

Jarod: So what do you think they said?"

Miss Parker: The scrolls? I was hoping you had some answers, insights into the so called prophecies.

Miss Parker: Those answers are somewhere in the ocean along with my f..."

Miss Parker: Do you think that, there's any chance, he bailed for the right reasons, Jarod? Or was his Geronimo just another one of his lies?"

Jarod: I don't know. Maybe it's time you give yourself that gift he never gave you... the truth.

Miss Parker: I hope you find your mother.

Jarod: And what about... *us*?

Miss Parker: You run - I chase. That choice was made for us a long time ago.

Jarod: Maybe *that* is the "Parker Curse".

Miss Parker wipes away a tear: Yeah. Hell of a life we live in, Jarod.

Jarod:Only this time the first one who finds the answers, lives.

Miss Parker: Jarod, the prophesies, if they were real, maybe... we could have found out what our future would hold."


Somewhere, the scrolls have washed up on a lonely beach and one set of them has opened partially. The water hasn't washed away all of the words that are on them. Still clearly visible are these words:


"The Centre shall rise. The Chosen will be found, a boy named Jarod"


******** THE END ********