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Jarod was raised by "The Centre" (based in the fictional town of Blue Cove, Delaware ), where he was specially trained to develop his unique intelligence and abilities as a Pretender. Sydney, his mentor, and father-figure, coached him to run simulations in which Jarod used his unique gift to help people. Jarod later found out that The Centre wasn't using the simulations to help people but to harm them. Having escaped, Jarod is trying to clear his conscience, but The Centre is never far behind.

Miss Parker, Sydney, and Broots are the Centre team charged with recapturing Jarod. (Although Parker, Bauchau, and Gries were constant presences throughout the series, other members of the pursuit team came and went- notably Jamie Denton as Mr. Lyle). Richard Marcus and Harve Presnell appear as their superiors at the Centre. Andrea Parker also plays Miss Parker's mother, Catherine Parker, in flashback scenes