Interested in ghost photos, huh? Well, I've gathered several for you to take a look at. While most out on the Internet boast of the validity of theirs, I don't think there's as many 'real' ghost photos out there, as they'd have you believe.
The most common form of ghost captured on film is the orbs. I've included a couple below, so that you'd know what I'm talking about. However, one has to be careful when declaring an orb has been captured on film. Depending on the environment where the picture was taken and the camera itself, it's sometimes possible that you've captured a piece of dust on film, and dust isn't very creepy, is it? Well, maybe if you're in a REALLY dusty house, where the dust bunnies would attack... that would be creepy! If you're outside, you may have caught a bug on film, or pollen, or rain. Because your camera is presumed to be held fairly still, and the bug is in motion, it would appear as a blur when the flash hits it.
The wispy 'stuff' that people pass off as ectoplasm? In spite of people declaring, "And no one was even there smoking beside me or anything," I tend to think someone was beside them smoking lol. (My favorite is when you see the pack of cigarettes laying on the table next to them lol.)It LOOKS like smoke, and it doesn't scare me.
Below is some tips on taking ghost photos, and then there's some pictures that some believe to be proof of ghosts caught on film. There's only a couple there that I accept as true photos.
1. Find yourself a 'hot spot.' People tend to think that ghosts will just show up anywhere. They don't. Go somewhere rich in story and saturated with possible sightings. This is the best place to begin looking.
2. Have a 35mm camera and lots of film. This is best, since the different possibilities in digital media can cause odd formations amongst pixels when you get it developed. 35mm is best, and if possible, use infrared film.
3. Pay attention to your surroundings. If you've brought a friend, which is useful, close your eyes and use your senses. Does it feel creepy? Do you have goosebumps in warm weather? Does it feel like someone's watching you? Ask yourself similar questions and if the answers are consistently yes, you may be in the midst of something other-worldly.
4. Don't give up. When you go to get your film developed, if you don't have anything, remind yourself that it isn't an easy task to do. Rarely has something believed to be a real ghost showed up on film.
Pictures are to the right, captioned appropriately. I sincerely enjoyed putting these up for you, and I'd like to see this section grow, but unfortunately, there's not much in the public domain. So, if anyone has any pictures of ghosts that they'd like to see posted here at The Cold Spot, please send them to me. The same thing goes for EVP's, as that page will be up sometime in the near future. Thanks!
As you can tell, you must be incredibly careful with claiming something to be a picture of a ghost.

This is an amazing piece of work. You have to sit very still and look VERY closely. Eventually you'll see the ghost, once your eyes acclimate to the messy room.