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sekolah cahya anakku

The services that the school provided are :

Early Children's Ability Evaluation
This early evaluation is being done to estimate the level of the children ability to enable us to put them in the appropriate study program.

Classical Teaching (2 - 8 children / class)
This is a classical teaching style with a class consisting of not more than 8 pupils assisted by 1 teacher and 2 assistant teachers. Time of study beginning at 9.00 WIB until 13.00 WIB, every Monday through Friday.

Therapy session (one on one)
Therapy session is being given individually for 1 (one) hour or 60 minutes per session, with 45 minutes of effective therapy and 15 minutes to fill up childrens report book, grading book and councelling session for parents.

Individual Educational Program (IEP)
Every student have their own individual study program which differs from one kid to the next, this is based on the early children's ability evaluation and their needs based on how old they are.

Child Development Consultation
Consultation and reports on children's progress are given in a time frame of every 3 – 6 month, but if there is an immediate need a special meeting can be made between teachers, therapist, parents etc.

Life Skill Training and Excercises
This training is given to big kids (age 12 and above) as a mean to support their near productive age.

Group Activity
This activity is being done in a large group to train the children emotional and social ability, in the form of educational games.

Big Class (Akademic, Sosial and Life Skill Development)
The placement of children in a big class is based on their ability and their age, especially for children who are academically unfitting to be put in other classes other than special classes. For children age 7 and above. The program is specifically aimed for the development of academic, social and life skill abilities.

Small Class (Akademic and Social Development)
The placement of children in a small class is based on their age and ability and also this class is meant as a catching up class so the children can be put in a joined or inclusion class.

Arts and Craft Class
This class is especially targeted to children who have less optimal academic development and meant for children age 12 and above and emphasised on self reliance trainings such as making their beds, putting on clothes, food preparation and special skills based on their interest. Time of study starting from 13.00 WIB until 15.30 WIB, from Monday to Friday.

ABA Therapy
This therapy is being done to adjust children's behaviour, so that they can be accepted in their social surroundings in their everyday life.

Occupation Therapy and Sensoric Integration
This therapy is being done to increase their soft motoric ability and to prepare their physiques for outside stimulants.

Speech Therapy
This therapy is meant to increase and to train their communication ability with other people.

Doctor consultation by appointment

Facilities :

● Air-Conditioned Rooms :
- Class Room for Big Group & Small

- Library

- ABA Therapy Room
- ST Therapy Room
- OT Therapy Room
- Children Computer Room

- Waiting Room

- Consulation Room
- SI Room

● Musical instruments

● Teaching materials and learning tools

● Cooking class materials

● Gymnatium

● Painting materials

● Transportations (minibus)

Staffs :

● Educational staff :
- Headmaster
- Teacher
- Teaching assistants

● Non educational staff :
- Behaviour therapist
- Speech therapist
- Occupational therapist

● Administration

● Experts :
- Nutritionist
- Orthopedist

● Supporting staff :
- Janitor
- Security

● Operational staff


Giving opportunities to children to self actualise will help their self confidence


Jl. Mandala Utara VI No. 2
Tomang, Jakarta Barat
Ph. (021) 560 6834
Fax. (021) 560 6704

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