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Beldonea- bell-doh-NAY-ah is the way I pronounce it- is a world split between the humans and the sidhe. Humans resemble the humans of our own world, though they possess a limited form of magic and technology on a parallel with the late medieval period. Sidhe somewhat resemble elves, with pointed ears and very angular faces pulled up toward the ears. They are taller than humans, very pale of skin, possessed of slotted silver eyes, and immortal. They also don't eat, drink, or sleep, and don't usually communicate in any human tongue, using their minds to snare thoughts from the human minds around them instead. They are vulnerable to fire.

Humans lived under the domination of the sidhe for a long time, but the greatest event in human history, the advent of the hero Beldon, freed them. Thus, the history of Beldonea is roughtly divided into two periods: the Cycle of the Sidhe, when humans possessed no magic of their own and tried what they could to make sure the sidhe wouldn't take them; and the Cycle of Fire, after Beldon's arrival. The humans tended to feel after this that they could control their own destinies, partially because they now had magic. Some even believed that the sidhe had been destroyed altogether. (This is not true).



The Song of Beldon- One of the many bard songs describing the deeds of the hero.

The Tree of the Two- Bard song describing a visit to the Tree of the Two, the last remnants of Dinir and Morie. These magical researchers sacrificed their lives during Beldon's war on the sidhe so that humans could possess the magic of the dwiim.

Short Stories

The Lords of the Air- A story set during the Cycle of the Sidhe, in which a young boy takes a blue stone to the sidhe to try to convince them not to destroy his town.

Shadows, Song, and Stone- A story from the viewpoint of a sidhe, on the "love affairs" of mortals and sidhe.

The White Tower- A story set during the Cycle of Fire, when a mage goes to retrieve knowledge left over from Beldon's war.


I currently have a story that may or may not become a novel in progress, titled The Flower of Beldonea. I do not know if I will complete it. Until such time as I have more material, it will not be posted here.

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