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Kiuremis- KEE-oo-REHM-ees, if you want to know how I pronounce it- is a world of vast magic, but few small ones. It is shaped like an egg, an idea I came up with when considering creation legends where the world is said to be hatched from the egg of a creature such as a bird or a snake. Kiuremis is not oval, however, but literally egg-shaped. The top half is filled with floating clouds and the people who live there, and surrounded by the shell, a glittering, transparent thing through which the sun can easily shine. The bottom is filled with dark, heavy substances and the races who have evolved to dwell among them; the sun filters weakly up through the ground here. In the middle, between the cracked halves of the egg, lies a landmass that is the closest to what we would think of as "normal," with humans and Earth-like plants and animals. Its "sunrise" comes from beneath the ground, with the sun rising up from the bottom, shining on the middle continent for a while, and then continuing its ascent. When it descends on the other side, it again shines for a few hours, then falls beneath the land and goes down to light the bottom half of the egg. In effect, both top and bottom have long nights and short days, while the middle portion has two sunrises separated by periods of darkness.

It's confusing.

Kiuremis also has the dreamwielders, who are capable of looking beyond their world in dreams and seeing that things are otherwise elsewhere in the universes. Some dreamwielders think they can escape to these other worlds in their dreams, but few manage it.

This is one of the least-developed of my worlds, but it promises to be one of the most interesting to write about.



Sylaer- A poem about a traveler who has encountered Sylaer, the Gypsy City of Kiuremis.

Short Stories

None as yet.


I am currently beginning a project entitled Dreaming Beyond, set in Kiuremis. I cannot yet tell if it will become a short story or a novel, though my gut tells me it will be longer. If it completes itself at short story length, or if it becomes a novel and has an acceptable first chapter, I will post that here.

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