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The Second Era

The Second Era is sometimes also know as the Second Age, or Age of Life. The Second Era name is most common among Linguist-Historians, who tend to classify Arcadia’s history into periods depending on the most common language spoke in them. In the case of the Second, this was Primal, which most races used as a common tongue. Though racial languages were also very prominent and there was no continent-wide government, Primal was needed because the races were fighting the First War of Light and Dark, and, later, the Eya Sonora or Silver Conquest.

When the >silverini conquered Arcadia and set up their Empire, their language of course became dominant. Only in isolated pockets, mostly of people in the never-conquered north or in the communities of freed slaves guided and guarded by the verde, the underground Elwens, did Primal survive, and the racial languages. The verde had rescued many books of knowledge, and taught the racial languages to the freed children from them. Primal was used as the native language.

Primal was also the common tongue of Maruss Freewind’s army, since it tended to be the language that silverini used to command their slaves. However, Primal lost favor after the War of the Falling, given that the silverini had preserved it unchanged, and it was seen as stagnant. The Third Era saw the racial languages, and Aril in particular, become prominent.
