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The War of the Falling

The War of the Falling was the great war fought at the end of the Age of Life, second in the world's time, sometimes also called the Second Era. Maruss Freewind fought as the Ellosonor, the chosen Bane of Silver, to end the Empire of the silverini, the silver unicorns who had killed the wills of most of the continent's population and used them as slaves and as subjects in breeding experiments.

Maruss was chosen by Fate, the Webspinner, and foretold in the Silver Prophecy that had been sung for years without understanding (as a curalli, his skin was silver). Though he did more to fight the Emperor Destria than anyone had done until that time, avenged ancient wrongs, and returned from disastrous defeats, crushing the Empire in just two years, he did almost nothing in the way that anyone expected him to do it. This included defying Fate and giving up at least one good opportunity to end the War early.

Below is a list of links recounting the high points of the War of the Falling. Also, I keep up the prologues and first chapters of the novels that tell the story of the War (and three novels telling of the first struggles against Destria and his ascent to power) on this page.

The War of the Falling: Battles

The Attack on Crownia- The first battle of any size in the War.

The Raids of the Nemlafi- The Annihilators, Maruss's army, fought a mostly geurilla action throughout the first winter.

The Battle of Tharassia- A temporary loss of leadership by Maruss led to the Battle of Tharassia, which went disastrously under the new leadership.

The Shattering- The disaster at which Maruss fought both traitors and the Webspinner herself.

The Battle of the Rekeep Plains- The battle that ended the War.

The War of the Falling: Heroes

(These are heroes other than Maruss Freewind, above, the heart of the war effort).

Elenyi Starwolf- One of Maruss's foster siblings, this vhas founded the Kingdom of Elenyi, creating it with the sound of her voice alone.

Geruth Lilacshadow- Another one of Maruss's foster siblings, this viaquia was perhaps his most loyal companion, going with him into exile after the Shattering and using his illusion gift tirelessly for the good of the Annihilators. The Ford of Geruth is named after him.

Phaedon- Another of Maruss's foster siblings, and also a curalli, at first jealous of Maruss's high destiny but at last a loyal supporter.

Mytti Stonedancer- The last of Maruss's foster siblings, his first love who died tragically in the Shattering.

Xerdri the Healer- Maruss's second love, a xanmara healer who did much to keep his memory alive after the War, and to sustain his heart during it.

Jesartlu Durillo- One of the first slaves Maruss rescued, this land Elwen and hero of the Durillo line is sometimes accounted the best fighter in the Annihilators; he returned from death beyond all hope.

Larelina Lafoxbane- Another land Elwen, a priestess of Tirosina, and founder of the Lafxobane line.

Coastdancer- One of Maruss's dearest friends, the aqua dragon who was his Oathsworn, and who kept him alive when he would have taken his own life in despair.

Filaria- A rheeth, a talented scout, and Jesartlu Durillo's true love.

Cyr- A curalli Killsworn locked in stasis for a million years, freed by Maruss to join the new war against the unicorns.

Rengardlu>- A red unicorn, one of the first to join Maruss's fight when he fled to the north.

Jierran- Destria's son, who was horrifed by what his people were doing, and fled to Maruss soon after he revealed himself.

Trimon- A >triltna or time Elwen who gave his life for Maruss in most unusual circumstances.

Coalcloud- A young gryphon who stayed true to the cause, and shamed his people into joining Maruss when he returned to Minamar.

Sunchet>- A churni or death Elwen, the Lady of Daydark, who fought valiantly with Maruss when he finally persuaded the churni to join him.

Dollin- Sunchet's son, who also gave his life to save Maruss, though probably for his own inscrutable reasons.
